Is it possible and how to grow a rose from seeds? Recommendations for planting and flower care

Rose is an ornamental plant that can be found in almost every grower in the flowerbed.

Most often propagated by its cuttings, as it is fast, simple and effective. Flowering begins the next year.

But flower growers who like experiments try to propagate the plant with seeds, using seedling and seedling methods. We will analyze in the article how to properly sprout a flower from seeds.

Is this method suitable for growing a flower?

Does the flower have seeds? Not all types of roses give full seeds, from which flowers with varietal characteristics of the parent plant will later grow. Varieties of rosehips propagate well in a seed way:

  • needle rose;
  • cinnamon;
  • wrinkled;
  • rose canina.

They are grown for use as a stock. Miniature, Chinese and polyanthus species can also be grown with seeds.

Hybrid forms of roses cannot be propagated by seed, since the resulting plant will not look like a rose from which the seed was removed.

Appearance of grains

The grains have small sizes of 5-7 mm, they are oval in shape. Their color may be light or dark brown.


Further on the photo you can see how rose seeds look.

Where and how much can they be purchased?

Florists have increasingly begun to acquire seeds in online stores. The most budgetary are the Chinese representatives, one of which is Aliexpress.

Benefits of buying: minimum cost, wide selection of varieties and choice.

You can buy seeds in a regular flower shop. There is no difference, since the seed is contained in opaque bags, which are difficult to discern their quality.

In the Moscow region, the following online stores sell quality rose seeds:

  • Russian garden.
  • Agrofirm Search.
  • Empire gardener.

The cost is from 14 to 60 rubles, depending on the variety of plants.

Is it possible and how to get it independently from an adult plant?

Some types of roses give seed, which you can collect yourself. It is better to hold such events in the second half of summer.


  1. Fruits need to be cut slightly unripe when the seeds have not yet hardened the shell. Such seed goes well.
  2. With a sharp knife, cut the fruit and remove the seeds, freeing from the pulp.

Pros and cons of the method

The positive aspects of seed propagation of roses include:

  • fast germination;
  • a large number of seedlings;
  • viability of young plants;
  • frost resistance;
  • powerful root system.

Cons of the method:

  • only high-quality seeds germinate;
  • hybrid varieties of roses are not suitable for this method of propagation;
  • excretion requires several months.

When is it better to do it?

Planting seeds is necessary in those months when the average daily temperature has already been established and there are no sharp temperature changes at night and day. In addition, the timing of sowing roses vary depending on the climatic region:

  • Ural and Siberia - beginning of February - mid-March.
  • Volga and Non-Black Earth - end of January - end of February.
  • Moscow region - the timing depends on the forecast of weather forecasters (usually in early May).
  • Southern regions - mid-January.

How to plant in open ground?



  1. The collected planting material must be laid out on cotton pads or cloth moistened with hydrogen peroxide, and covered with the same material on top.
  2. Next, put the seeds in plastic bags with a latch and put in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 4 - +5 degrees.
  3. Thus, stratification occurs until spring. Only occasionally do you need to tear off the bag to ventilate the seeds.
  4. If mold has formed, then remove it with a cotton pad moistened with hydrogen peroxide.

Usually the stratification process lasts 1.5-2 months.


Consider how to sow. When the sprouts hatch, they can be sown. For these purposes, it is necessary to prepare a light nutritious soil, which can be prepared with your own hands, mixing in equal proportions such components:

  • garden land;
  • sand;
  • lowland peat.

The result is sandy loam soil with a neutral pH of 6.5.

Sowing order:

  1. Fill planting containers with a depth of 10 cm with nutrient soil.
  2. Arrange seeds with a distance of 10 cm to a depth of 1 cm.
  3. Sprinkle the seeds with earth and pour so that there is liquid in the pan.
  4. Cover crops with plastic wrap or glass.
  5. As soon as the seedlings hatch and grow up, they will form 2 leaves, then you can dive into separate pots, the size of a disposable plastic cup.
Boxes can be replaced with modern cassettes for seedlings. Fill them with nutritious soil, and then put 1 sprouted seed in each cell. The earth is watered and covered with polyethylene.

Seedling Care

For fast and high-quality germination, the following care measures must be observed:

  1. Lighting. The daylight hours for seedlings should be at least 10 hours. If necessary, use fluorescent lamps.
  2. Temperature. For seed germination, a temperature regime of +18 - + 20 degrees is required. It must be ensured that there is no mold in the soil. If it forms, then carefully remove it so as not to damage the seedlings, and pour the soil with a potassium permanganate solution.
  3. You need to water regularly so that the soil is always wet. Do not allow its drying out or waterlogging. Watering is carried out as necessary using settled water at room temperature.

Disease prevention

The best prevention against diseases remains compliance with agricultural technology. To prevent the development of mold, it is necessary to regularly open the film or glass for ventilation. It is also necessary to sow the seeds not too tightly next to each other, observing the necessary interval. It is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture, avoiding overmoistening.

Seedling method

Planting already grown rose seedlings is necessary in the spring, when the weather is warm. Do it in April-May.


  1. Lightly heat the plants. Take out pots with seedlings on the street for 2-3 hours every day. At the same time, constantly extend the "walk" in the fresh air. Only after adaptation can you land.
  2. For planting, you need to choose a well-lit and drafts-free place.
  3. Perform a deepening, in the center make a mound and set seedlings.
  4. Sprinkle on top with earth, tamp and pour. If a standard rose is grown, then immediately install a peg for support.

Directly placing grains in open ground

If the seedlingless method of planting a rose is used, then the seeds should be planted close to each other, otherwise this will lead to overheating of the soil, which entails the grinding of buds. To protect the earth from overheating, you need to lay the mulch using sawdust, lawn grass and shavings.


  1. In the fall, you need to dig the site and add peat, compost and humus.
  2. In the spring, in prepared soil, perform grooves 3-4 cm deep.
  3. When sowing seeds in open ground, it is necessary to observe a distance between them of 20 cm, and close them to a depth of 3 cm.
  4. Sprinkle with soil and pour over water.

Problems and solutions

When sowing seeds of a plant, the following problems may occur:

  1. Seeds do not germinate.

    The main reason lies in the non-viability of the seed, so you need to buy it only from trusted sellers and manufacturers. There is also a problem due to deep sowing, it is not necessary to send grain deeper than 3 cm. It is not recommended to use too cold soil.

  2. Sprouts do not drop the shell.

    This occurs as a result of excessive surface seeding or early removal of the film from the container. To eliminate errors, it is necessary to moisten the “caps” from time to time, then the sprouts will be able to independently reset the shell.

  3. Elongated pale seedlings.

    It arises as a result of a lack of light, cramped location and an excess of fertilizers. To save the plants, you need to provide them with a 12-hour light day, thin out if they are planted closely and stop feeding.

  4. Uneven shoots.

    The main causes of the problem: the use of clayey weighted substrate, improper observance of temperature and soil moisture, oversaturation of seeds with initial treatments for better germination.

When to wait for flowering?

When planting roses with seeds, some of its varieties (for example, Wings of Angels) bloom 3 months after sowing. But it is advisable to pinch off the first buds, then the bush will direct all forces to the formation of the root system. In addition, next time the number of flowers will be more.

Growing beautiful roses from seeds is a painstaking and complex process, requiring some experience, but the plants turn out to be stronger and more enduring, and the flowering is lush and plentiful.

Interesting video

We suggest watching a video on how to grow roses from seeds:

Watch the video: Grow Roses from Seed: Start to Finish (October 2024).

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