Recommendations for planting, care and reproduction of indoor plants begonia diadem

In this article we will talk about another representative of the Begonia family - begonia diadem. The name itself already speaks of the pomp of its appearance.

Gorgeous leaves have a bizarre uneven shape with a greenish color and olive tint on the upper side. And on the underside there is a purple color.

We will introduce you to the features of caring for this variety and some emerging problems during flower cultivation.

Botanical Description and History

This is a herbaceous perennial plant. In height reaches a mark of 60 centimeters, and some flower growers claim that this begonia can reach up to a meter. The shape of the leaves is asymmetric, finger-shaped. The edges are very jagged.
Begonia was discovered by the French botanist Charles Plumier, who later began to research his find and named it after the organizer of the search expedition Michel Begon. The homeland of this flower is considered to be South and Central America where they grow in tropical forests on old dried trees, less often they can be found on mountain slopes and cliffs.

On a note. Foliage sizes: length - about 15 centimeters, and width - about 12 cm. They are attached to long cuttings. Stems erect.

Appearance and some features

It looks like a herbaceous shrub, quite voluminous. The leaves take on a bizarre, uneven shape. And they have a green color with an olive tint on the upper side. Silver pigmentation dilutes the paint on the sheet plate over its entire surface. And from the underside of the leaf we can observe its purple color.

Due to such overflows, a very interesting composition is created, which is attractive even without flowers, which, by the way, are present on begonias. They have a pink color, which, due to their pallor, seems almost white.

The features of the Tiara include the presence of female and male flowers on peduncles. In the female flowers of this plant, a triple seed box forms above the petals.

Landing Recommendations

It is worth recalling that young plant needs replanting every spring, and grown up can be less often - once every two years. At the same time, keep the root lump, and in the choice of pots, give preference to wide, but shallow.

Soil selection

You can purchase the finished substrate in the store. The only thing to keep in mind is that the acidity should be weak (from 5.5 to 6.5 pH). The same applies to the soil mix that you decide to cook yourself.

To obtain fertile soil at home, take the following components: turf soil and sand (preferably if it will be river), one part each, and three parts of leafy soil. When planting begonias do not forget about the drainage layer, which will prevent stagnation of water in the pot.

Where to place it?

This should be a well-ventilated room, both in summer and in winter.

Attention! The most disastrous arrangement for a tiara is a closed balcony on a sultry summer day.

But do not mix ventilation with drafts. They should not be. Check that the root system is always warm. But do not choose places near heating appliances - they dry the air.


Begonia - loves a lot of light. And if you can provide her with this condition, she will begin to grow with even greater force. But the lighting should be diffuse.

In no case do not allow direct sunlight to fall on the flower, they will burn chic leaves. This feature of the diadem is associated with its homeland, where it grows in the hot tropics, but at the same time broad-leaved trees always protect it.

When choosing the side of the house, give preference to the western and eastern sides.

If the only option is the south, then pritenite plant, especially during the midday scorching sun. (It can be a sheet of paper or parchment foil).

Care for an unusual beauty


To ensure proper care of this plant, it should be abundantly watered in summer and moderately in winter (at this time, the flower is at rest, that is, its growth practically stops). The break between soil moisture should be set by you, guided by the situation: as soon as the topsoil dries, begonia requires new watering. But this is only in the summer.

In the winter, after drying, 1-2 centimeters of land should pass another couple of days.

On a note. It is necessary to water with settled water at room temperature. It may be liquid from the filter.

But not from the tap. In the water from the city water supply there are many heavy impurities that will adversely affect the condition of the flower. Some gardeners use rainwater for irrigation, but various pests can live in it.


In order for this indoor plant to please you as long as possible with its attractive appearance, it must be periodically rejuvenated by pruning. As well as to form a beautiful smooth bush from time to time, turn it with different angles to the light.

Air temperature

Explaining again the natural habitat, it must be said that the diadem loves the air warmed up to 20-25 degrees above zero in summer. And it should be a little cooler in the winter, but the mark of the thermometer should not fall below 19 degrees. Avoid sudden jumps in temperature.


Begonia will be grateful to you for the sufficient humidity around it. But you should not achieve this, resorting to the help of spraying. Our plant, and in particular its magnificent leaves, does not tolerate this.

It is advisable to regularly adjust a tray with expanded clay or wet pebbles under the flower pot. If this does not work, then just put a container of water near the flowerpots. Evaporating, it will humidify the air.

Top dressing

Flowering begonias should begin to be fertilized during the formation of flower buds. This must be done using liquid complexes purchased in the store. They must be bred according to the instructions on the packaging.

Reference. Nutrients should be added twice a month. Give preference to fertilizers high in potassium and phosphorus. It is better that there is a minimal amount of nitrogen, which affects the growth of the green part of the plant, but slows down the flowering of begonia.

Pests and diseases

  • Very light leaves will tell you about excessive lighting, and their pale shade signals the opposite - lack of lighting.
  • The edges of the leaves change their color to yellow, brown, or even lose it, and at this time the flowers also fade - this is your message about that. that you need to water the plant more often or more abundantly and fertilize it more.
  • The buds that have not yet blossomed begin to fall from the peduncles - this is due to dry air or excessive irrigation of the soil.
  • When the shoots are stretched and thinner, and the leaves turn pale and fall, it is worth increasing the amount of light. If this cannot be done in a natural way, turn to artificial lighting for help.
  • Withering leaves and their gradual decay will tell you about too frequent moistening of the earth.
  • The root system rots for three reasons: a small drainage layer, an excess of moisture in the soil or an overly deep landing.

Now let's move on to all kinds of misfortunes awaiting your diadem.

  1. Gray rot.

    The foliage is covered with brown pigmentation, which gradually dries in dry air. If the humidity around is increased, these spots do not dry out, but become covered with a gray coating, the so-called spores. To save the begonia, treat its tops or benlat. Repeat this every half month until the pest is completely defeated. If you do not start resuscitation on time, the flower will die.

  2. Powdery Mildew

    On all parts of the plant there is a white powdery coating. Flowers fall off immediately, and leaves after drilling. To combat this type of attack, treat the diadem with soapy water. If this does not help, refer again to the solutions of foundationazole or benlate. The procedure is carried out every two weeks until complete recovery.

  3. Spider mite.

    The leaf plates are covered with tiny spots and then dry. A treatment for begonia will be treatment with a tool such as decis.

  4. Aphid.

    Hiding from the human gaze on the back of leaves, petals, and also below the peduncles. The shape of the leaf is deformed, and flowering does not begin at all. The method of struggle is the treatment by the actellic and fufanon.


There are several ways to propagate this plant. Let's talk about them in order.

  1. Cutting by the stem.

    This is the most popular method among gardeners. To do this, you nip off a young stalk from an adult flower. And then do not bury, but simply push the cuttings into the soil. You can slightly warm the substrate from the bottom. You wait a couple of weeks for the stem to take root, while you do not forget to water it.

  2. Sowing seeds.

    This is a fairly long way and is only suitable for patient people. Planting of seed material is carried out in late February - early March. Take the soil, as for adult begonia. Pour into a box of earth and sprinkle seeds lightly. After you do not water the ground, but gently spray it. Cover with a film or glass, forming a mini-greenhouse.

    Important! Every day, open the box, hardening the seeds and remove the resulting droplets of water.
  3. A sheet or part thereof.

    To propagate a whole leaf plate, pinch it with a handle and place in water. As soon as the first roots go from the leaf, it can be transplanted into the ground.

    If you want to get several processes from one leaf, take one large healthy leaf plate and divide it into parts so that at least one good vein remains in each. Lay the cut sheet on top of the ground and lightly press down these parts. About a month later, shoots form on each triangle and they can be planted in separate small flowerpots.

No wonder this begonia was called a diadem, because its silver, even pearl shade reminds us of royal decoration. Let a piece of the royal palace be in your house.

Watch the video: Recommendations on Early Spring Planting (October 2024).

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