Lists of the necessary things to the bride, groom and guests for the wedding

Wedding is the most romantic event in life. Girls have been dreaming of her since childhood. But, as practice shows, a wedding is an event with a complex structure, which provides for thorough preparation. I will tell you what you need for a wedding, give lists of the most popular things to the smallest detail.

Be sure to make a list of important points yourself or entrust the task to a professional organizer. When compiling wishes, be guided by opportunities, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation when the holiday event does not meet expectations.

TOP important things

Set up a budget and an action plan

  1. You can organize a thematic or conceptual wedding, some come up with unique scenarios to make the wedding unique.
  2. The wedding can be stylized as the Middle Ages or choose the beginning of the last century.
  3. Outside weddings are celebrated outdoors under beautiful awnings or in holiday tents. A special company can organize a celebration. If the budget is modest, you can do everything yourself. It will turn out much cheaper.
  4. The official part of the event can be manipulated. In most cases, they are registered with the registry office. You can register a marriage without a ceremony, and spend the holiday on another day.


  1. If the plans include a wedding in the church, do not forget about church holidays, when it is not allowed to conduct the ceremony.
  2. If you decide to get married, you will need special hats. In general, the wedding is fraught with additional costs due to the purchase of candles, payment for the services of the choir.


  1. A feast is the most anticipated part of the wedding. Banquets are ordered in restaurants and cafes. Preference is given to well-known institutions.
  2. When talking with the restaurant, be sure to discuss the number of guests and the opportunity to bring certain products with you. Alcohol needs a lot, so it is better to purchase vodka or brandy yourself.
  3. Order portions of main and main courses. Choose a dish and salads with a dish and place on the table for a change.

Useful little things

  1. If you organize your own wedding, numerous worries will not allow you to relax. Assign the task to friends, relatives, or a wedding agency.
  2. Be sure to take care of decorating cars and the festive hall. In terms of economy, it is better to rent.
  3. After resolving organizational issues, invite guests. Use postcards or email. In the invitation indicate the place, date and type of celebration.
Video tips


Now you have an idea of ​​the things you need for your wedding. Although, this is really just an idea. The organization of the wedding event is stormy and requires considerable effort. What to say about nerves.

What the bride needs for the wedding

A joyful day is fast approaching. Less time is left every day, and the number of worries is increasing.

Any girl strives to look stunning at the wedding, and most of all she is worried about the festive image. The organization of the event, the wedding procession and other issues fades into the background.

I believe that the accumulated chores can be safely put on the shoulders of parents, they will be happy to help. The future bride should be given special attention along with.


  1. Choose a dress. It’s silly to give advice on choosing. Each bride has her own preferences and tastes. In any store, wedding dresses are presented in a huge assortment of styles and colors.
  2. To make the choice is right, visit all the salons and stores. Go shopping in the company of mom or girlfriend, they will help in fitting and appreciate the outfit from the outside.
  3. Looking for a dress without trying is not recommended. Only fitting will allow you to choose the perfect outfit.
  4. The veil is considered an integral attribute of the bride. It is better to choose a veil with tight edges, so it will retain its shape.
  5. Special attention should be given to stockings, garters and underwear. Choose these items in the tone of the main outfit.

Bridal bouquet

  1. Can you imagine a bride without a bouquet? Me not. It is recommended to order flowers in large stores. Salons will make a wonderful floral arrangement that you don’t even want to throw over your shoulder.
  2. In most cases, the bridal bouquet has a solid base, which makes it heavier. Therefore, calculate the weight of the bouquet with physical abilities, because it will have to be worn for a long time.

Hairstyle and jewelry

  1. Choose a wedding hairstyle taking into account the shape of the face and the length of the hair. Natural flowers are often used to decorate hair. Such a fashionable hairstyle goes well with a bouquet and looks great.
  2. Do not disregard jewelry and accessories. There are various wreaths, necklaces and bracelets that complement the image of the bride.
  3. Choose jewelry that matches with a wedding ring. With a wedding dress, pearls blend perfectly.

Wedding shoes

  1. Shoes should be beautiful and comfortable. Studs have to be forgotten for a day. Pumps are considered ideal. They allow you to move freely and dance easily, without fear of sudden falls.
  2. Some brides prefer boots. True fans of extreme go to the altar in sneakers.
  3. Do not forget to spread shoes a little before the wedding. Otherwise, during the festive event, you will think not about her husband, but about corns.

Ideas and life hacks. Top 10 Wedding Flawless Items

Without these things, creating a beautiful image will not work. You can use several additional accessories, including a handbag or a hat.

Regardless of the choice of clothes and shoes, remember, everything should be within reason. If you like the image, the guests will like it too.

Highlights to the groom for the wedding

If you are destined to become a bridegroom, begin to prepare actively. Marriage has many advantages. The authorities trust the married employees more, it allows happy lovers to be around.


  • Take care of your health. Visit your dentist for a great smile. If you have problems with your teeth, visit your doctor in advance, as dental treatment is a lengthy procedure.
  • The main organ receiving the titanic load is the heart. The groom will have to follow the order, communicate with the guests, pay attention to the bride, constantly smile and dance.

Hairstyle, nails, skin

  • To make the wedding look unique and impeccable, on the eve of the wedding, be sure to visit the hairdresser, manicurist and makeup artist. If your nails, skin or hair are problematic, drink vitamin complexes several weeks before the important date.
  • Only from healthy hair will the stylist create a fashionable hairstyle. Hands look well-groomed if the nail plate is neatly trimmed.

Wedding suit

  • A wedding suit deserves special attention. Choose your holiday outfit in advance. Contrary to wedding signs and traditions, according to which lovers should not see dresses until the wedding, it is worthwhile to try them together. In this case, the pair will look perfect.
  • When choosing a fashionable suit, make sure it is convenient and comfortable. If the model you like shakes or restricts the movement, choose something more comfortable.


  • Check out photos of relatives and friends of the bride without fail. The groom is not always familiar with all those invited to the event.
  • If you manage to remember faces, you will avoid various incidents. Even one successful phrase will help to leave a good impression on the bride’s relatives.

As you can see, the groom is a little easier in terms of preparing for the wedding. But this does not mean that you need to take the process lightly. Even a small trifle left in a hurry without attention can cause great disappointment.

DIY wedding

Preparing guests for the wedding

Preparations for the wedding provide for the solution of many important issues related to the choice of a registry office, the purchase of wedding dresses, and the organization of a banquet. Do not forget about the guests.

It is the guests who shout “Bitterly!”, Take part in competitions, give valuable gifts, delight newlyweds with warm and affectionate parting words.

Guests should be present at the wedding, except when the newlyweds decided to confine themselves to registration at the registry office and a romantic dinner in a cafe for two.

  1. Before attending the wedding, stock up on a good mood. We are not welcome to see a gloomy or sad guest. If you couldn’t raise your mood and you are an introvert, it’s better to leave by voicing a plausible excuse.
  2. The guest does not hurt to get acquainted with witnesses who will tell the action plan. So you don’t have to constantly ask young people who are pulled over by pre-wedding preparations when and what will happen.
  3. Each guest must be aware that he is the main element of the wedding. Therefore, the return should be maximum. He must make toasts, participate in recreational activities. You must admit that even a beautifully decorated hall filled with sad people will lose the festive atmosphere.
  4. Activity should be moderate, if lovers refuse to do something, do not insist so as not to put them in an awkward position.
  5. Not a single wedding event takes place without photographing and filming. The role of the guest in this matter is extremely important. He should not interfere and must be present in the frame at the right time. No need to give professional photographer recommendations.
  6. The guest is the first assistant to the host. Of course, the host has a special scenario, in which the newlyweds participated. But, a good toastmaster runs a program "adjusted for the wind." Guests should coordinate amateur performances with the host, so as not to please the newlyweds with an unpleasant surprise.
  7. Each guest will have to say a toast sooner or later. Prepare it in advance. If you don’t know how toast, remember and voice an interesting story from the life of the newlyweds. The main thing is that the story does not turn out to be compromising or does not reveal any secret.

If you are lucky enough to be at a wedding event, sing, dance, tell funny jokes. You can team up with other guests and show an interesting scene.

A wedding is a moment of joy in the long life of the bride and groom. Do everything so that they fill this day for life. Just don't overdo it.

How wonderful the newlyweds look. The bride in a snow-white outfit perfectly complements the future husband, dressed in a black suit. Preparation for an event, which often happens once in a lifetime, is very responsible. If you carefully plan and think it over, no unpleasant surprises will come out.

Watch the video: 5 Wedding Video Shots You Need From Bride & Groom Prep: Video Village with Rob Adams (October 2024).

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