Why you can not sleep in front of the mirror

Mirror - an interior item present in each house in several copies. Since the Middle Ages, people consider it a mysterious little thing. Psychics say that you can not sleep in front of a mirror. Let's see why.

Deviating from the topic, I add that often apartment owners are faced with a shortage of living space. Solving this problem, they apply design techniques aimed at expanding the space, including: combining the living room and bedroom, the use of mirrors and furniture with mirror facades. However, they do not take into account the influence of mirrors on the human body, because signs, beliefs, traditions and myths do not recommend resting in front of this element of the interior.

Reasons for the ban

After analyzing a lot of teachings, prejudices and beliefs, I was able to find out that no culture in the world welcomes the placement of mirrors in the bedroom, unlike a sofa or chest of drawers.

  • Damage to the aura. If a person in the mirror is reflected along with objects with sharp angles, they will damage his aura.
  • Otherworldly forces. Beliefs say that otherworldly forces look into our world through mirrors. These views are not always characterized by poor energy, but they violate the tranquility of the sleeper. This is manifested by irritability, dull mood and poor sleep.
  • Medieval alchemists believed that ghouls and vampires, through reflections, suck out vital energy from a person.
  • Negative effect on family relationships. In one room there is a real couple and its reflection, which can cause treason.
  • Soul and Through the Looking Glass. During sleep, the soul goes on a trip and if a mirror hangs in the bedchamber, it will fall into the looking glass and will not find the way back.
  • Parallel Worlds. The mirror is the gateway to a parallel world. The sleeping person begins communication with otherworldly forces, and even breaking the product will not be enough to break the established connection.
  • Source of negative energy. In a dream, a person is subject to the influence of negative energy, which can come from a mirror. Such energy will cause a bad mood and well-being.

If every morning you feel strange and your mood is better, the true cause of your ailments, in addition to health problems, may be a mirror in the bedroom. There are three ways out of the situation - consult a doctor and undergo an examination of the body, remove the accessory from the bedroom or curtain it before bedtime.

How to protect yourself from the influence of mirrors

In this part of the material I will share ways to protect against the evil influence of mirrors. When using them, you will protect yourself and attract money and luck to your home.

  1. Do not hang in the bedroom, especially on the ceiling. Permissible placement on the inside of the cabinet door.
  2. If a crack appears on the surface, throw it away immediately. The cause of the defect can be negative energy.
  3. Keep the surface perfectly clean. Stains, dust and dirt have a negative effect.
  4. Do not hang at the entrance to the house, so as not to scare away luck. When fortune comes into the house and sees itself in reflection, she has the impression that everything is fine in the house and she goes off in search of another refuge.
  5. Do not hang opposite each other, otherwise a kind of corridor will form in the apartment, which, in the likeness of a "black hole", absorbs positive energy.

I do not exclude that readers will find the material absurd. In addition, contrary to superstition, many sleep peacefully in front of mirrors, and this does not bring discomfort. Therefore, dear readers, it is up to you to decide whether to place mirrors in the bedroom.

The mirror and its history

Mirror - an interior item with a large smooth surface that can reflect light. The first mirrors appeared in the XIII century and were made of silver, copper or bronze.

At the beginning of 1279, John Pekam described the technique of making a mirror. Liquid tin was poured into a glass container through a special tube, which covered the inner surface of the dishes with a uniform layer. After drying, the vessel was broken into large pieces, which slightly distorted the picture, but remained clean.

One century later, a mirror workshop appeared in Germany, and at the beginning of the fifteenth century, the Venetians acquired a patent for the production of mirrors, which allowed them to become monopolists in this area for 150 years. In value, Venetian products were not inferior to mansions or small sea vessels. Such things were bought only by royal people and representatives of the nobility.

The Queen of France, who ascended the throne in the middle of the XVI century, was very fond of reflective surfaces and did not spare money to buy them. To save the treasury, the finance minister bribed several glassmakers to move to France and open a mirror factory. So, the first factory opened in 1665.

In the Middle Ages, mirrors were destroyed, since it was believed that the devil was hiding on the other side, and with their help witches called for corruption, ailments and hid their secrets.

Nowadays, mirrors are used in interior design, in the automotive industry, photographic equipment, science.

Watch the video: Why not to SLEEP near a mirror? (October 2024).

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