How to have a fun New Year - examples and tips

New Year is a favorite holiday of absolutely all people. Not surprising, because it is long-lasting, colorful, noisy and fabulous. How and where is it fun and original to celebrate the New Year so that the celebration is fun and memorable?

Undoubtedly, the smallest impressions of the New Year are received by small children. What could be better than the children's perception of the mysterious New Year's Eve. New Year's gifts appear under the Christmas tree, the long-awaited Santa Claus arrives, pleasant surprises and delicious sweets.

Children have fun and sing songs, ride on the ice slides, play and launch fireworks under the supervision of their parents. Only parents will create a festive New Year mood for their children. Unlimited imagination, sincere love, and the desire to give the baby a New Year's fairy tale helps them in this.

To not be bored on New Year's Eve, order an entertainment program. Music and dancing will set up your family team in the right way. In the most prominent place, put the symbol of next year - a beautiful figurine. It doesn’t matter what size it will be or what materials it is made of. It is important that she is present.

It is no secret that the New Year is a holiday of good mood and gifts. For this reason, take the phone, call relatives and friends and congratulate them. For those close to you, be sure to prepare original New Year surprises. They will give them many pleasant feelings in the new year and make the New Year holidays unforgettable.

We celebrate the New Year together

Many people celebrate the New Year together. They have to worry, because in case of poor preparation, the holiday can be boring.

The year turned out to be very busy, at the end of December many important things gathered, and the New Year mood, as luck would have it, is absent. Despite this, you can organize the New Year so that it will be remembered for a long time.

7 original ways to meet

To create a festive mood in the new year, first of all, decorate the apartment. Doing it in a hurry is not recommended. It is better to choose one evening and take your time to decorate your home.

  1. When dressing up a Christmas tree, be sure to indulge in childhood memories of the New Year. This will allow you to know your friend’s friend from the touching side and you, no matter how hard to guess, will become closer.
  2. Decorating a Christmas tree should not be limited. The fact is that in all rooms of your apartment there should be a festive atmosphere. To decorate the rooms, use pine or spruce twigs, balls and electric garlands, and prepare candles for the New Year's Eve. If your family does not have pets and children, you can place holiday candles in a variety of places.
  3. Aromatic lamps with citrus or pine oil are placed throughout the apartment. They fill the house with wonderful New Year's smells. As a result, the holiday will be truly New Year's.

We recommend taking a few minutes and discussing what you both expect from the New Year’s Eve. If the New Year's scenario is based only on ideas about the holiday of one person, you will be disappointed with the holiday.

Responsibilities are better shared. In this case, you can both actively participate in the preparation for the New Year, buy all the necessary products and do not miss anything.

Be sure to prepare each other New Year's gifts. In modern life, not everyone can buy an expensive gift. Nevertheless, the price of the New Year's present is unimportant, its presence is important.

Make a New Year’s menu together. If you don’t like cooking, you should not spoil your holiday by standing at the gas stove. Get ready, go shopping and buy ready-made New Year's salads, snacks and sweets.

It remains to wait for the next New Year holidays and put the acquired knowledge into practice.

How to organize a New Year at home

Some people celebrate the New Year abroad, and some like to visit relatives on New Year's holidays. Nevertheless, there are also people who like to celebrate the holiday at home. Would you like to join the last category? Then read about the celebration of the New Year at home, in our article.

It is easy to guess that organizing a New Year's holiday at home is a troublesome business. We will tell you how to organize a New Year holiday so that it turns out to be interesting, fabulous and memorable for all family members.

3 video tips

Undoubtedly, any holiday should have an organizer. If you are not afraid of a big responsibility, you can immediately begin the preparation procedure. Otherwise, you may not be in time.

  1. Buy or sew your own outfits for the New Year. In this case, each member of your friendly family will have a role. If the family has many children, the New Year will turn out to be especially fun. Having dressed up children, you will provide the house with a cheerful laugh that will cheer you up. After the roles are distributed among family members, start celebrating.
  2. Prepare games and contests for the New Year in advance. They will dilute the festive feast. However, be careful when choosing options, since not every game will do. Here in this article you will find the best games and contests for the New Year.
  3. Be sure to decorate the room in which your family celebrates the New Year. Hang multi-colored rains and bright garlands around the apartment, and sprinkle confetti on the floor. This will bring a festive atmosphere to the apartment. At the same time, it is recommended to decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family.
  4. Organize a festive table in an original way. After serving, set your favorite dishes on the table. Treat your loved ones with an original dessert, for example, a classic cake mannik. This will help the trio, consisting of imagination, logic and ingenuity.
  5. Do not hide gifts under the Christmas tree. Nowadays, this approach is extremely commonplace. It is better to hide gifts in the room where you celebrate the New Year. Wrap gifts in advance in gift paper and sign. At the same time, invite each member of the family to find a gift. It will kill time and amuse the company.
  6. Earlier we mentioned the Christmas tree. It needs to be decorated in a special way. Each family member can independently make a New Year's toy. In this case, it does not matter what material it is made of. The main thing is that he took an active part in organizing the family New Year's holiday.
  7. On New Year's Eve, be sure to go outside and take a walk. If you wish, light sparklers or launch fireworks. If the plans include explosions of firecrackers, do this with extreme caution on a sober head.
  8. If you are afraid that New Year's Eve will be too sad, invite friends.

Finally, we add that it is better to celebrate the New Year with a clear mind and a sober head. If you try hard, in this state you can live a whole year. Moreover, it will save you from unnecessary troubles and problems and make the New Year holidays truly unforgettable.

How the Chinese celebrate New Year

To begin with, Chinese New Year is considered a family holiday. For this reason, it is accepted that all family members should be present at the festive table. If someone has not arrived, for him at the festive table they must cover the place. Interesting custom, right? That's not all. For starters, it’s not out of place to find out when New Year is in China.

  1. On the Chinese New Year's table, it will not work to see meat dishes. Residents of the Middle Kingdom believe that they scare away luck. Dishes made from mushrooms, fruits and vegetables are always relevant. At the festive table there are always sweets in a wide assortment. The Chinese believe that this will make the coming year sweet.
  2. According to Chinese tradition, on the first day of the coming year, people burn various incense and pay special attention to the launch of fireworks. There is an opinion that this scares away evil spirits well, attracts happiness and true peace to the family. If there are no firecrackers and fireworks, the Chinese make noise using well-ringing household items. After the expulsion of evil spirits, windows are necessarily covered so that they do not return.
  3. At the end of the first day of the coming year, the doors are ajar, because at that time, good deities return home from the spirit world. Family members are required to pay tribute to their ancestors. On the first day of the year, acquaintances and friends go around, give them New Year's gifts, wish good luck and happiness.
  4. The next morning, children congratulate their parents, wishing them happiness and good health. In return, they receive red paper envelopes, in which in most cases money lies.

Many Chinese families perform a ritual for good luck. According to the Chinese, he attracts well-being and luck to the family. With the onset of the new moon, they open the doors and roll 108 oranges into the house. Fruits are distributed in rooms, except for the toilet and the bathroom.

Video how to celebrate New Year in China

It is good if children participate in the ritual, as children's laughter attracts positive energy. While moving oranges on the floor, good luck, love, health and money are called into the house.

How to celebrate the Old New Year

Soon Old New Year. As you know, they mark it according to the old calendar. For this reason, the holiday is called that. Recall that the ancestors gave this holiday a different name - Generous Evening.

In the old days, people celebrated the New Year, guided by the old calendar. Nowadays, this date falls on January 13th. From our ancestors we received many customs, traditions and signs. According to them, only the person who managed to fulfill a number of rules can see real magic in the coming year.

Note that compatriots celebrate a generous evening after the so-called Christmas fast. This means that on the table should be present various goodies, the taste of which during fasting is forbidden to enjoy. According to popular signs, holiday treats are prepared not from fish or poultry, but from pork. Otherwise, joy and happiness can irrevocably sail away or fly away.

For the Old New Year they are preparing a fasting festive meal. Ancestors added lard to this dish, which testified to the material well-being of the owners of the house and their generosity.

According to experts, meeting this holiday, one must adhere to the customs and traditions of the ancestors, which were transmitted from one generation to another. Now we will talk about them in more detail.

  1. If you intend to make pies, make them with little surprises. True, be sure to warn the guests. A man who comes across a surprise will open the curtain of the future. For example, the penny found symbolizes wealth, the thread - the road, and the ring - marriage.
  2. Feel free to guests who visit your lodging on Generous Evening. Otherwise, greed will be the reason why in the new year you miss good luck and happiness.
  3. Some people put a sheaf of wheat in their home in the Holy Evening. Take it out the next morning and organize a festive bonfire. Jump through a burning sheaf you need to be careful. In this way, the ancestors cleaned the body of negative energy and expelled evil spirits.
  4. After cleansing, people go home and sing along. According to ancestors, this calls for material well-being in the house, and family affairs throughout the year are accompanied by good luck.
  5. January 14, the first man to enter the house. It is believed that a stronger sex brings more good than a woman.
  6. By tradition, on Old New Year it is customary to put up with people who are in a quarrel. If the offender asks you for forgiveness that day, you must forgive him.
  7. On the night before Generous evening, young girls who want to start a family, wonder at a betrothed.

It seems that this can end the article. Although, wait! We forgot about the main thing - New Year's gifts. We’ll talk about them further. The information provided will help you choose the best gifts and save your budget.

What to give for the New Year?

For the New Year, it is customary to give various gifts to parents, loved ones, friends, acquaintances, and even colleagues.

  1. Gifts for loved ones. It is not difficult to please a loved one. To do this, it is not necessary to buy an expensive gift. Learn to present appropriate gifts with warm words. Romantic people often present verses. Write a few lines addressed to your loved one. They will be pleasant and will delight him well.
  2. Gifts to parents. The best present for beloved parents will be a thing that they can not afford. Often, for the sake of economy, people stop buying various little things. For this reason, don’t give mom slippers or kitchen utensils. It is better to present good perfume or cream.
  3. Please your dad with a good tracksuit or quality sneakers. Undoubtedly, he will not buy them for himself. If he smokes, bring a pipe of tobacco or expensive cigars. If your father is young in heart, give a modern exercise bike or laptop.
  4. Gifts to relatives. The list of the best gifts for relatives is presented by means of relaxation, shower gels, shampoo. You can present a bottle of champagne, a cake or some exotic fruits.
  5. Gifts to friends. When choosing gifts for friends, consider their hobbies and hobbies. For example, if a friend is fond of fishing or hunting, visit a store that implements appliances for such a hobby. However, specify in advance whether there is a friend in the arsenal of a little thing that you want to buy.
  6. If a friend has pets, it is not difficult to choose a New Year's gift. The owner of a beautiful cat will appreciate a bow collar, and for a dog lover, get a squeaker toy or a tasty bone.
  7. Gifts for children. It’s easy to please the children. Because of spiritual simplicity, they themselves will tell what they want to receive. New Year's holidays can be timed to purchase a kitten or puppy. In this case, the holiday will be remembered for a long time. You can present your child with a family game in which both adults and children will participate.
  8. Gifts to colleagues. Presenting expensive corporate gifts to colleagues is not recommended, as they will feel obligated and find themselves in an awkward position. But the photo frame or stationery trifle will appeal to them.

So that congratulations fill up for a long time, order a song on the radio and dedicate it to the people you want to congratulate. Most importantly, do not miss the moment and turn on the radio.

When choosing a New Year's gift, remember that the main thing is the attention and warmth that you present to friends and relatives. The value of the gift plays a secondary role, and in some cases is not at all important.

Make the family and friends nice, and they will answer the same.

Fireworks at the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai

Our New Year article has come to an end. You now know how to celebrate the New Year at home with your family, together or in Chinese. Moreover, you have learned what gifts to present for the New Year holidays. We sincerely hope that the article turned out to be interesting and informative. Until we meet again and have a happy New Year holidays!

Watch the video: How To Keep New Year's Resolutions (October 2024).

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