Is it possible to cure cough in children with aloe juice? Recipes and recommendations

Aloe is a medicinal plant that has long been used to treat colds, not only in adults, but also in children. Aloe juice successfully relieves inflammatory processes, improves expectoration and sputum output, due to which it received the approval of doctors in the treatment of cough in children. But it is only necessary to apply it as part of complex therapy, since independent use of the plant will not give a positive result. And detailed recipes for the preparation of an aloe vera drug for the treatment of coughs can be found in this article.

Benefits and chemical composition

The fleshy leaves of the plant contain juice, which has a bitter taste and a peculiar aroma. The benefits of the plant are as follows:

  • stops bacteria of streptococci, staphylococci, dysentery and diphtheria bacilli;
  • has a disinfecting effect;
  • activates the body's defenses;
  • prevents the development of inflammatory processes;
  • slows down oxidative processes.

The composition of aloe juice contains the following components:

  1. minerals;
  2. volatile;
  3. allantoin;
  4. vitamins C, B, E, A.

Can I give children?

Aloe juice for the treatment of cough in children is used only as an adjuvant, as it relieves the symptoms of a cold in a child and contributes to a quick recovery. Despite the fact that the medicinal plant is absolutely safe, in some children there is an individual intolerance to the components. In this case, it is forbidden to use an aloe-based medicine.

In addition, children under 3 months of age should not be treated, and infants from 3 months to 1 year of age should be treated under medical supervision. In its pure form, aloe juice is prohibited for children to use (is it possible to drip the juice of a plant with a runny nose and should it be diluted?).

Admission Rules

With the help of aloe, you can not only cure a cough, but also strengthen the immune system (read about the benefits and uses of aloe for children here). But this effect is achieved if the treatment is properly followed by the following rules:

  1. Before using aloe, be sure to consult a doctor to eliminate the risk of allergies.
  2. Aloe is one of the most powerful biostimulants, so it is not recommended to use it for more than 1 month.
  3. If there is no positive effect 3-5 days after coughing with aloe vera drugs, then the child should be shown to the doctor. Maybe the condition of the small patient has worsened and you need to choose another, more serious treatment.

Recipes based on plant juice and honey

Consider several recipes for the preparation of a remedy for cough and runny nose, as well as for bronchitis, the main components of which are aloe juice and honey.

Toddlers under 3 years old

This recipe includes a combination of two components - aloe juice and honey. This is the best option for treating cough in young children. To prepare the product, combine these components in equal proportions. It is better to take buckwheat or may honey. The resulting product is given to the child 10 ml 3 times a day.

It is not necessary to prepare the mixture in large quantities, since it retains its healing properties for 12 hours.

At the age of 3 years

This recipe involves the use of vodka, so you can use it for older children.

To prepare the product, take in equal proportions the following components:

  • aloe juice;
  • honey;
  • vodka.


  1. All ingredients must be mixed.
  2. Then refrigerate for 7 days.
  3. On the day 5-6 times the mixture has to be shaken.
  4. After the specified time, give the medicine 10 ml 3 times a day.

In addition, children from 3 years old, in the absence of an allergy to honey, you can give a drug obtained from the following components:

  • milk - 250 ml;
  • aloe juice - 10 ml;
  • honey - 10 g.


  1. First, heat the milk.
  2. Then add the remaining components.
  3. Give the remedy to children every night before bedtime.

Soft tool

This recipe involves the use of the following components:

  • aloe juice - 15 ml;
  • honey - 10 ml;
  • butter - 100 g.


  1. Mix all components thoroughly and consume 20 g 2 times a day.
  2. After that, drink a glass of milk.

With bronchitis

To prepare the medicine, you must take the following components:

  • aloe juice - 15 ml;
  • honey - 100 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • goose fat - 20 g;
  • Cocoa - 50 g.


  1. Mix the above components and place in a water bath, but bring to a boil is not worth it.
  2. Add the medicine in an amount of 10 g to a cup of warm tea, which is taken up to 6 times a day. Tea will suit any: white, black, green.


Aloe has an excellent anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect. But before using it, you need to check whether the child has allergies to plant components.

In addition to allergies, there are such contraindications:

  • high blood pressure;
  • the presence of polyps, tumors;
  • diseases of the digestive, urinary system, liver;
  • the period of exacerbations of chronic pathologies;
  • all forms of bleeding.

Aloe in the treatment of cough in children is an indispensable tool in the complex therapy. With its help, you can eliminate a dry cough, improve sputum discharge and strengthen the baby's immunity. The attending physician will help you choose the right prescription, given the origin of the cough and the individual characteristics of the child's body.

Watch the video: Tips from a Pediatrician : Home Remedies for Chest Congestion in Children (October 2024).

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