Royal geranium pruning and other lush flowering treatments

Among all types of geraniums, royal is a special place - a wonderful ornamental plant with large delicate flowers of various colors. But along with the lush and decorative appearance, this variety of plants is also capricious. Including sometimes there are problems with the flowering of royal geraniums - this is the issue that we will consider in the article.

We will find out the features of the flowering of this plant, namely when and how it happens, and also find out what to do if the royal geranium does not want to bloom, how to contribute to its magnificent and beautiful flowering.

Plant description

Royal geranium has an appearance, truly royal. But the plant is rather demanding for care, and its flowering period is somewhat shorter than that of other types of pelargonium.

Geranium of this variety reaches a height of 30 to 60 cm, has dense rough leaves with a decorative serrated edge. The flowers of the plant are very large - sometimes they reach up to 7 cm in diameter, are both simple and double. It is the beauty of the flowers that the royal geranium is valued for: many flower growers are so imbued with the beauty of this plant that they grow only this species and its various varieties.

Note that uneven, multi-color color of the petals gives the plant a special decorative effect: dashes, spots, lines of shades darker or lighter than the main color are found on their surface.


Next, you can see the photo of the flowers of the royal geranium:


The plant does not bloom for long: if ordinary geranium finishes blooming in the fall, then royal ceases this process already in the second half of July. Rarely do inflorescences last until August. Thus, the owner of the plant can admire its flowering only a few months a year - from three to five at best. And that is why it is so important to achieve the longest flowering of geraniums, to make it more pleasing to the eye for its decorative effect.

To ensure long-term flowering, it is important to keep the plant in suitable conditions.

The main thing is a pretty cool temperature (about +15 degrees) and high-quality lighting. Next, we will talk about all the care aspects in more detail.

What to do with a flower?

How to make blooming at home? Since the flowering of this plant is quite short, and it does not always happen, it is important to know by what means and tricks this flowering can be achieved. Next, we consider the important points that will enhance the flowering of royal geraniums.

Pruning for lush flowering at home

How to prune so that it blooms? For a harmonious and timely flowering of this plant, pruning is very important. Many gardeners unknowingly resort to this procedure in the spring, however, pruning properly after flowering in late summer. The beginning of the autumn period is also quite suitable.

Pruning royal geraniums in spring will delay the flowering of the plant for a year.

Pruning occurs in two stages - between these stages it is necessary to maintain a monthly time interval so that the plant has time to recover and recover.


  1. Use should be a knife with a long and sharp blade.
  2. Only wilted, dried, yellow leaves are cut - on the shoot, the petiole must remain on the shoot.
  3. After the procedure, the place of cuts must be sprinkled with crushed activated carbon to prevent infection of the plant.

After flowering, new shoots begin to actively form in geraniums: it is important to pinch them in time. Do the procedure after the fourth to fifth pair of leaflets on the young shoots is formed. Such a pinch will lead to the fact that the plant begins to grow even stronger and more magnificent: the more shoots, the more inflorescences on them will subsequently form.

Experienced gardeners pinch the royal pelargonium after flowering 3-4 times. This measure helps the plant bloom even more decoratively in the new season.

Important! The last time before the final rest period, geraniums are pinched no later than the end of January.

Top dressing

How to feed the geranium so that it blooms? In order for the royal geranium to please its delightful flowering for a long time, it must be regularly fed.


  1. In spring and summer, nutrients are applied once a week, in winter - once a month.
  2. Top dressing is used standard, integrated.
  3. Before starting flowering, geraniums need to be fed with potassium and phosphorus: these microelements will extend the flowering period and make the flowers themselves more magnificent.
  4. Top dressing is done only after watering so that concentrated mineral substances do not burn the roots of the plant.

Extra nutrition is especially important when transplanting a plant into new soil. During this period, geraniums need special complexes designed for young plants.

Organic king geraniums are not fed, it is necessary to use exclusively mineral compounds.

Other points

In addition to pruning and top dressing, they are important for the safe and continuous flowering of geraniums:

  • watering;
  • temperature;
  • humidity and other points.

So, the plant feels better and blooms more magnificent when kept in cool. The highest summer temperature for this plant should not exceed +25 degrees, and +15 degrees is ideal.

Watering during the growing season should be moderate, but regular. In summer, the earth at geraniums is moistened twice a day: before sunrise and after sunset. In winter, watering should be reduced to one per day, and reduce the volume of water.

Care should be taken to monitor the blooming buds, and immediately remove dried from the stems. This is done in order to provide the remaining peduncles with more nutrients. In addition, in the presence of dried buds, geranium soon ceases to form new ones.

Geranium should not be transplanted often, as it reacts rather poorly to a change in habitat. And it can respond to a transplant even by the lack of flowering.

Why are there no inflorescences?

Very often, planting a freshly acquired plant (quite expensive, by the way) in the ground, gardeners look forward to seeing its famous decorative flowering. However, often instead they get a complete disappointment in the form of a lush green mass, thin shoots and the absence of even a hint of inflorescences. Royal geranium is known for its capricious character, and then we will find out why this plant refuses to bloom, but gives only foliage.

Most often, the reluctance of geraniums to bloom is due to improperly selected temperature conditions (usually too hot), as well as the lack of high-quality lighting. Sometimes the problem lies in planting royal geraniums in an oversized pot.

In addition, sometimes the fertilizers that feed the geranium are not suitable for it. In rare cases lack of flowering may indicate a transplant not done at the right time. If you neglect pruning and pinching the bush, the plant is unlikely to bloom for a long time and lushly. We note, however, that it is important to carry out the procedure before the formation of inflorescences, otherwise many peduncles will be cut.

Lack of nutrients in the soil is a common reason why geraniums do not bloom. It is especially important to feed the plant during its active vegetation.

Conditions of detention

If this magnificent plant does not please with its flowering, it is necessary to pay attention to several important points.


Check if the pot is placed correctly. Royal geranium needs enough lighting in the airbut in the midday heat from the sun, it must be obscured. It is recommended to place a pot with this plant on the windowsills on the east or west side. Here he will not be disturbed by a too active sun, and the level of illumination will be sufficient.


In winter, it is recommended to organize additional lighting. If this measure is neglected, the flower will not be able to plant new buds during the winter, that is, it will not bloom next year.


It is not recommended to take the plant out into the open air.allowing him to stay in the rain and wind. This delicate plant can feel good in the open, but under the condition of a roof over its head or an awning from rain and sun, and also provided that it is protected from drafts.

It must be remembered that this plant is not suitable for outdoor cultivation. If the flowers are placed under the open sky, then only in pots so that it is possible, if necessary, to immediately bring it under the roof.


Make sure that the plant does not stay in too hot and stuffy rooms. In the heat, it may even refuse to bloom, and in principle it will not be able to exist for a long time in such conditions.

The optimum temperature for the content of this capricious beauty is +15 degrees.

Top dressing

Analyze the schedule and the quality of top dressing. It is possible that for successful flowering there is not enough potassium and other important trace elements.

Pot volume

In the best way, the plant will bloom not in a spacious pot, but in a slightly closer container than necessary. For this reason, transplantation is carried out only when the roots begin to penetrate already through the drainage holes in the pot, that is, they completely entangle the entire earthen lump.


So, we learned how to ensure long and lush flowering of royal geraniums, and what to do when the plant refuses to bloom. As you can see, geranium sets enough conditions for its prosperous flowering. However, it is not so difficult to provide optimal conditions for it - but in return, the plant will delight with its magnificent flowers for a long time.

Watch the video: Growing Geraniums : Problems with Geraniums (October 2024).

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