Proper care for cupronickel cutlery

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper, nickel, iron and manganese. Products made from this safe and elegant metal are an indicator of good taste. More recently, cutlery made of this material was considered a luxury and was in short supply. They "got" them on occasion, and, having got them, they kept them carefully with reverence. The table was set with precious objects only on solemn occasions. Rare use did not save from natural darkening, which upset the housewives who were looking for ways to restore the former radiance among the available means. There were not so few of them.

Housewives are especially kind to cutlery from cupronickel, passed down from generation to generation with a story about their acquisition. Alloy cutlery is an expensive gift that will decorate any table. Many remember the time when without serving from expensive dishes it was impossible to imagine a single feast.

Cupronickel cutlery has several advantages:

  • High strength;
  • The ability to maintain an attractive appearance for a long time;
  • Simplicity in leaving;
  • Temperature differences do not affect the appearance and quality characteristics;
  • Not subject to corrosion, for which they are loved by housewives.

Why is nickel silver getting dark?

Despite the advantages, there is still one drawback: due to improper care, the alloy is oxidized by oxygen and quickly darkens, stains and spots appear that are difficult to get rid of.

Inexperienced housewives, seeing changes in appearance, begin to panic. The situation is easily fixable. For cleaning cutlery from cupronickel at home, there are enough recipes. No financial expenses are required; improvised materials are used: alcohol, salt, soda, eggshell, potatoes, foil and much more. In the store it is possible to buy special chemicals.

The most effective folk ways

At the disposal of modern housewives household cleaning products for the kitchen. In the last century, managed with the help of improvised means. There was no Internet and women read a lot of reference books, visited libraries in search of an answer. I offer proven and effective tools for cleaning cupronickel at home.


Take food foil of any manufacturer and thickness, place it in a deep container, add a quarter glass of soda, put cutlery from cupronickel and pour cool boiling water over everything. A miracle will happen before your eyes: the process of purification will begin at the same second and will not require your participation.


Purification using baking soda is no different from the option described above. No foil is required, but the effect will be the same. The simplicity of the method will surprise, and the quality of cleaning will please.


To solve the problem, you can use eggs. There are several options:

  1. Boil appliances in the water where the eggs were cooked.
  2. Crush the eggshell, add to the water and boil the dishes in the resulting solution.
  3. Wipe the dishes with a flannel cloth soaked in egg white.

The last cleaning method is gentle, applicable for cutlery made of nickel silver, silver and gold plated.

Toothpaste and salt

Previously, housewives used tooth powder to clean cupronickel items. The product was applied to the fabric, the instruments were rubbed to a perfect shine. To buy toothpowder in stores today is possible, but it is difficult. Therefore, we take a toothpaste, with which we clean the dishes and achieve an unprecedented shine earlier.

ATTENTION! The method has one drawback: the microparticles of toothpaste are difficult to remove from cracks and chips on the surface of the dishes.


Pour garlic husk with water and bring to a boil. Add vinegar to the broth and lower the cutlery there. Control the boiling process and wait for the desired effect. Remove items, cool at room temperature, and rinse with running water.

Other folk remedies

  1. When cleaning cutlery from cupronickel, fine table salt is used. The method is laborious, but the result will please. Apply a small amount of salt to the sponge and clean the surface until the desired effect is obtained.
  2. Peeling potatoes is a more gentle procedure. It will take some time. Place the dishes in the water where the peeled potatoes were, leave for several hours. Remove and rinse the cutlery under running water and wipe the items dry.
  3. Removing stains with liquid ammonia is suitable for cleaning dishes made of nickel silver, sprayed with precious metals, gold and silver products. Place items in a container with ammonia, cover, leave for a while. After removal, wash thoroughly under running water. To give shine, make a solution of ammonia and water, rinse them with cutlery, rinse with running water and dry.
Video tips

How to clean cupronickel household chemicals

Household chemicals are represented by a wide range of products with different consistencies: powders, gels, wet wipes, impregnated with compounds. They bring glitter and charm back in minutes. I advise liquid cleaners and wet wipes that do not contain abrasive components.

INTERESTING! After using household chemicals, an invisible film forms on the cutlery, which protects the alloy from darkening and damage. This is their difference from folk remedies.

Useful Tips

Cupronickel cutlery is similar to silverware, but their cost is much lower. Preferring alloy dishes means saving money by not ruining the solemnity of the moment at the festive table. After all, cutlery from cupronickel is no worse than silver.

Prevention and storage rules

  • Products from cupronickel are capricious in everyday life, and therefore require careful care. They must be polished to a shine using special tools.
  • Proper storage is important: in a dry place away from other cutlery. Wrap each cupronickel item with a dry cloth, then cling film and foil. The method will protect against oxygen, the paper absorbs moisture to which the alloy is sensitive. With proper storage, the dishes will remain light, without stains and streaks.
  • Wash and dry the cutlery after use.
  • When choosing a household cleaning product, pre-study the composition. It should not contain chlorine, which provokes the appearance of spots, and abrasives that leave scratches on the surface.

Subject to the rules for care, cutlery from cupronickel serves forever.

Watch the video: How To Forge Copper and Nickel Mokume Gane With Coins (October 2024).

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