Wedding table design ideas, classic and creative solutions

Wedding organizers do not in vain think in advance about the style and decoration of the banquet hall. After all, competently executed design of the wedding table and accommodation of guests will help to create an elevated, romantic, festive atmosphere, set the mood for the main characters of the celebration and everyone present at it. Such a difficult task can be solved with the help of beautiful fabrics, natural or artificial flowers, suitable dishes, original design elements. The main thing is to observe a sense of proportion and not to turn the central accent of the celebration into a lurid spectacle.

Features of the design of wedding tables

A wedding is a touching and at the same time bright event, which should leave exclusively positive memories in the memory of newlyweds and guests. That is why at the preparatory stage every little thing is thought out, and special attention is paid to the design features of the decor of the wedding table. Of course, there are a lot of interesting ideas in the arsenal of professional wedding designers, but sometimes you yourself want to show your imagination and make the table of the bride and groom soulful. At the same time, one should not forget that tablecloths, curtains and drapery on the walls should be a single whole. Therefore, the colors, textures of the fabrics used and even table setting should harmoniously resonate.

Themed weddings are already in season. The event can be performed in the style of a boat trip, an original peasant feast, a rainbow celebration, a gangster party or a youth party. In any case, you should familiarize yourself with special design techniques in advance, including for arranging a table for the newlyweds.

The general style of the hall is the starting point for choosing the appearance of its main accent. The simplest in this direction is to choose a color version. But this does not mean at all that at the purple wedding, the tablecloths on the tables, like the curtains on the windows, should be purple. Rather, it is a game of various combinations of red and blue. After all, the final shade depends on their ratio.

The style of the main table at the wedding is determined by:

  • decorator compositions;
  • forms of background execution for the table of the newlyweds;
  • style and receptacle placement techniques;
  • additional nice little things, emphasizing that the mistress here is love.

Everything on the table matters - from dishes to napkins. Festive table setting can consist of perfectly white porcelain, suitable for any style, or dishes of a different color and quality. So, for a wedding in pastel colors, dishes and plates of the same color, but brighter, more saturated, are suitable. For example, a pale pink tablecloth is a bright red dish, a light blue tablecloth is a rich blue plate, bowls.

Particular attention - napkins. They must be fabric.

To make a wedding table with your own hands, napkins can be placed in special rings decorated with natural or artificial flowers. Each guest, taking out the product, will feel the warmth that the hands of the hosts of the celebration conveyed to him. For decorating napkins, as well as cutlery, you can use hand-embroidered loops, pockets, envelopes, Velcro hearts, and other cute decorations.

The table is decorated in the same style as the hallThemed decorations are welcomeEvery little thing is important on the table

For guests

The choice of seating arrangements for guests at the table is not an easy task. It is possible to emphasize that all those gathered are close and dear to the newlyweds, using one large table. In this case, everyone will be united by a common conversation, no one will feel "far from the center of events." Such a table should meet a number of requirements:

  • provide each of the guests with enough space;
  • provide an opportunity for any guest to get the treat they like;
  • provide all with napkins, cutlery, served dishes, including sauces, seasonings, spices.

At one large table, it is easier to choose a harmonious arrangement of dishes and decor.

The central part of the furniture is an ideal place for a bouquet or floral arrangement. However, we must not forget that any guest should be able to freely leave the table without disturbing a neighbor. Decorations are arranged so as not to hamper the movements of the guests, not to impede the choice of dishes.

The second option is to use small round or rectangular tables. Decor elements in this case are best provided for on walls, windows, columns, ceilings. On the table itself, if you have decorations, it is very concise and unbreakable. For decor in such cases, there are two schemes: to give a little attention to each guest (place an envelope with a surprise near his place, write a wish or attach an original small souvenir to a plate) or decorate the table with one common decorative element. In the second case, one rose in a glass or a gel candle is suitable.

For newlyweds

Furniture is usually located in the center of public attention, so that each of the guests can see the heroes of the occasion. To decorate the table for the newlyweds, you can do it yourself. The background is made out of fabric drapery or an arch on which the symbols of love are attached - rings, swans, hearts. They are often made of balloons, ribbons, natural flowers or light, neatly draped fabrics. Many people like inscriptions made for young people: "The mistress is Love" or "Advice and love!".

For the mysterious atmosphere around the table for the wedding, you can "scatter" small lanterns, which, when dusk sets in, emphasize the romance of the event. For this purpose, small LED bulbs are suitable, neatly laid out in the form of a garland and attached to the wedding table with the help of threads.

The attention of guests is often attracted by the design of newlyweds chairs. Their harmonious combination with the general ensemble is a prerequisite for perfect design. If there is a two-color tablecloth on the table, softly falling to the floor with folds, then on the chairs the capes made of fabrics of a similar color scheme will look original. An elegant bow can be provided at the back, which, among other things, will help the cover not slip in one direction. Making out chairs for newlyweds, we should not forget also about furniture of witnesses and all guests.

Decoration Elements

In the design of the wedding event, decorated items should not be fanciful, too voluminous or similar to a souvenir exhibition. The bride and groom look unnatural, periodically looking at the guests because of tall bouquets or fruit vases. The dimensions of the highest decoration are recommended to be limited to 15 cm. Compositions constructed with this rule in mind are arranged horizontally or represented by individual small elements. An example is floral bouquets of small details placed in bowls and low glasses, specially prepared on a table with wicker baskets. Wide designer candles, wreaths of matching color ribbons look organically.

Flower Arrangements

Bouquets of flowers are usually placed on the table of the newlyweds. This is permissible only if there is so much space that the edges are completely free. It is there that they place tall (above 20 cm) vases. However, it is much more practical to get away from massive flower arrangements. Modern florists decorate the table of a young married couple with the following elements:

  1. Small bouquets made up of one large flower (for example, rose, gerbera or peony) and many small, or only small plants. In the spring, snowdrops and blueberries are suitable, in the summer - field daisies and forget-me-nots, in the autumn - small chrysanthemums and other bright flowers. Always elegant and flawless lilies of the valley.
  2. One horizontal garland of flowers, located along the outer edge of the table. At its core, lilies can play the main role (it is recommended to choose a variety without a pungent odor), a bunch of small roses, large fluffy chrysanthemums. Look beautifully in a garland of carnations. In addition, they can look fresh without water for a considerable period of time.
  3. Rose petals, as if carelessly scattered on vertical surfaces. They can be fixed in advance on the cloth of the tablecloth, creating the illusion of smooth movement. Monochrome or multi-color "rain from the petals" - personal preferences. It should be noted that such decorations have an unpleasant nuance: the petals quickly lose their freshness and become sloppy, so they are attached several hours before the event.

The decoration of the wedding table for the newlyweds must necessarily be complemented by floral elements in the guest areas. Indeed, the general harmony in design is a prerequisite for an ideal event. There should not be many flowers on the tables of guests. One rose in a glass or a small composition in a basket is enough.


Any option for decorating the wedding table of the bride and groom begins with the choice of a tablecloth. There are several modern approaches to this issue. Popular solutions are:

  1. A solemn and elegant, endlessly touching continuous lace fabric, elegantly hanging from the table in thick folds. The product can be white, dairy, pink, blue and other pastel colors.
  2. A combined tablecloth of two canvases: the lower one - heavy and dense, for example, from royal velvet, brocade, and the upper - light, airy - organza, nylon, transparent chiffon are suitable.
  3. Chic silk fabric covering the legs and gently extending on the floor for 20-30 cm.
  4. A relatively new solution is a tablecloth with tulle assemblies. The base is smooth silk, the sides are densely planted strips of tulle, slightly resembling a pack of a ballerina performing a swan dance.

Lace can play the role of additional elements. So, they are often placed on the bottom edge of the tablecloth or around the perimeter of the table top. Of interest are lace combinations attached to the fabric with narrow colored ribbons. Using an awl or a special thick needle, they are threaded into the holes in the canvas with an ordinary basting manual seam. This method is also beneficial in that you can pull up the tablecloth in any place, giving it volume. Ribbons are placed by tying them into original bows with hanging loops. This composition is chosen when the size of the tablecloth is much larger than the area of ​​the table.

The color of the fabric for decor can be in tone with the overall color scheme or brightly and contrastingly different from it - this allows the table design of the newlyweds. The main thing is that the microzone looks compositionally finished.

Romantic ideas

Among the decorations for a wedding table with their own hands, options filled with romantic notes are of particular importance. There are many ideas in this direction:

  1. Decorations with the help of candles, which can be single or assembled into a compositional scheme, for example, exhibited in the form of a heart. This method requires special care due to fire hazard. Flammable objects must not be placed near lit candles.
  2. Carved themed decor from plywood, polystyrene or cardboard. You can cut out the voluminous words "Wedding", "Mr & Mrs", "Love is ...", "Wishing you happiness" and others.
  3. Balloons in their variety. Light feathers, multi-colored shiny sequins, pieces of corrugated paper are placed inside the transparent balls that are fashionable today. Balloons filled with helium, attached, for example, to the backs of newlywed chairs, will create an atmosphere of celebration and love throughout the event.

The more sincere and prettier the wedding will be, the more sincere it will look. Romantic notes can be present not only in the decoration of the table of the newlyweds. They often resort to them, attaching photographs or friendly cartoons to the bride and groom, small funny stories of their acquaintance to the walls. The guests are remembered for photo collages or short videos dedicated to the topic of love of the couple.

Celebration colors

The table, decorated in the general gamut of the holiday, looks like a whole with a great wedding action. This solution allows you to withstand the selected topics, to unite guests and newlyweds with one idea. Examples of table decoration for newlyweds in one composition with a common ensemble are:

  • tablecloth material that accurately repeats the dominant color in the room (blue, lime, orange, burgundy);
  • 2-3-tone material is different, but located in the same color segment (blue tablecloth on the background of the blue hall, orange table decor on the background of the peach decoration of the furniture for guests);
  • compositional decoration, consisting of two or three fabrics, one of which matches the hue with the dominant tone, for example, elegant combinations of pastel shades with white, while a bright accent can be created by combining blue with white, red with gold.

A white tablecloth always looks perfect and harmonizes with any color scheme.

If the wedding table in the same tone as the decor of the hall seems boring, it is permissible to add a special twist - to design it extraordinary, but elegant. For example, the room provides a beige color scheme, and furniture for the newlyweds - brown with white. Another harmonious combination is a light gray room and a turquoise table for young people.

Ideas for placing jewelry on a young table

Wedding table decorations, if properly positioned, can give it a special soulful character. One should start from the idea of ​​creating a single ensemble, using elements in one stylistic direction. If it is decided to decorate the outer edge of the table with a wide multi-color garland, do not place other large flowers on top. It is permissible to “casually scatter” small decorative elements on the outer vertical surface of the tablecloth that are in harmony in color with the garland.

The main focus of the bridal table may look like an elegant basket with fruits or flowers. Its height should not exceed 20 cm, and the width should not limit the location of dishes. Fruits for the basket should be chosen with thick skin so that they look fresh until the end of the celebration.

Ikebans made for a wedding do-it-yourself look good. For their compilation, fresh flowers, natural material, ribbons, beads, mesh and other decor are used. In tone with the main emphasis on the table, it is recommended to place small decorations. Silver (possibly made of slightly blackened silver) napkin holders and candlesticks harmonize well with fresh flowers. Arrange such additional details should be elegant, but simple - to prepare special mini-napkins, make pillows or hearts from fabric.

The original decor of the autumn table of the newlyweds with their own hands can be done using a pumpkin. To do this, carefully cut off the top, use the spoon and knife to select all the contents and dry the finished “vase”. To prevent the flowers from drying out quickly, you can put a wet washcloth on the bottom. Ideally in this embodiment, irises, sunflowers, asters, chrysanthemums will look. You can turn such a composition into an "autumn fantasy", for this put ears in it, diluting them with branches with bunches of viburnum.

Do-it-yourself workshop on creating flower arrangements

An interesting idea is the decoration on the table for the wedding in the form of a floral arrangement in the shape of a ship.In order to keep the decor as a keepsake for newlyweds, flowers can be made with your own hands. You will need:

  • penoplex;
  • scissors;
  • paper;
  • pencil with a ruler;
  • emery;
  • glue;
  • corrugated paper;
  • gold braid;
  • beads;
  • gold lace;
  • grid;
  • round sweets;
  • satin ribbons;
  • willow sticks;
  • Toothpicks
  • skewers;
  • organza.

Creating a composition consists of the following steps:

  • draw a diagram of the future ship, based on the selected sizes;
  • transfer the drawing to penoplex, cut;
  • Grind each part and assemble everything together with glue (strength can be achieved by inserting toothpicks soaked in glue);
  • glue the ship with corrugated paper;
  • cut pieces of paper 3 × 6 cm (for rose petals) and 6 × 8 cm (for the middle);
  • bend the petals under the middle and fix them with a toothpick;
  • for buds - use a round candy, which must be wrapped with corrugated paper;
  • make small bouquets of flowers and buds and attach to the deck of the ship;
  • with the help of a grid stretched on willow sticks and ribbons, arrange sails (ribbons can be glued or sewn on a typewriter);
  • wrap the willow sticks with a golden lace, put sails on them;
  • fix the structure on the deck, decorate the sides of the ship with a net and gold braid.

The harmonious design of wedding tables will give a lot of positive emotions to newlyweds and guests. And do-it-yourself decor elements will create a special spiritual atmosphere of the holiday and a sense of home comfort.

Draw a diagramTransfer the drawing to penoplex, cutGrind the parts and put everything together with gluePaste the ship with corrugated paperCut paper for petals and middlesForm flowersPrepare parts for budsMake buds and make a bouquetCut the sailsSew ribbons to the sailsMake the decor more voluminousPut sails on willow sticksDecorate the sides of the shipFix the structure to the deckDecorate a large deck with flowersCheckout the back of the shipAdd extra decorFinished ship



Watch the video: Classic & Creative Wedding Designers Unique Top Best Wedding Ideas how to Design your Wedding (October 2024).

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