How to get rid of cockroaches once and for all

Even if you are a lover of cockroach racing, it is unlikely that you will like this spectacle in your own home and, especially, in the kitchen. Therefore, the issue of "cohabitation" with cockroaches, humanity has long been paying attention. Many popular ways of expelling these unpleasant "lodgers" were invented and tested. Science did not stand aside. A causal relationship was established between their appearance in the apartment and her condition. As you know, on earth there is no useless fauna and flora. Cockroaches are no exception. Cockroaches are a symbiosis of orderlies and unsanitary conditions, however paradoxical this sounds. By eating leftover food, they cleanse your home to some degree. But, at the same time, visiting garbage dumps, tanks, cockroaches unwittingly become carriers of various diseases, which causes the anger and squeamishness of a person. Therefore, the "lucky", having cockroaches in the apartment, dreams of getting rid of them. It is clear that if you find a cockroach in a jar of milk, you will not be delighted.

But, as you know, without knowing the reasons, it is impossible to eliminate the problem itself. This is what will be discussed later.

Causes and prevention of the appearance of cockroaches

The reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment - a lot. This explains the difficulty of dealing with them, because eliminating one of the reasons below will not solve the problem with the "tenants". An integrated approach to its solution is required. So, get acquainted with these reasons.

1. Unsanitary conditions

This is the most "popular" reason for the appearance of cockroaches. This applies, first of all, to the kitchen, where it is most likely to be found on the floor, and not only, leftover food. Incidentally, this applies to the rest of the rooms. Surely you have watched more than once, and maybe you yourself participated, eating sandwiches, cakes while watching TV or reading a book, after which crumbs were sure to remain.

In this case, it is necessary to restore order, not momentary, but permanent. Eliminate mess in the choice of place of food intake. All foods should be stored in a tightly sealed container.

Very often there is a pet in the apartment. In this case, you should carefully monitor the condition of the food intake of these animals. And it is precisely the main feeder for cockroaches. Therefore, we must take all measures to deprive them of this "raspberry": constantly clean a cup with leftover food, collect crumbs, wipe the floor. Mopping is necessary, because a cockroach, even after sweeping the crumbs, has enough food left for a "comfortable" life.

Do not "store" garbage in the kitchen, systematically, throw garbage into the garbage chute daily, or take it to a special place for its collection outside the house. The trash can must have an airtight lid.

2. Availability of high humidity

Oddly enough, for cockroaches, the presence of food debris in the kitchen is not as critical as the presence of water. Studies have shown that cockroaches can do without food for a month, but without water - no more than a week. Well, they can’t eat dry food, give them water. Therefore, the presence of moisture in the room as a result of smudges in the water supply line, faucets, shower will be very useful for breeding cockroaches.

An excellent source of moisture, and food, too, can serve as a toilet. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude access to it of cockroaches by installing a mesh on the neck.

3. Cracks

A great way for cockroaches to enter the room and the subsequent "residence" are cracks in the walls, cracks in the floor.

To "block" the appearance of uninvited "neighbors", you should carefully examine the room for cracks. Identify the places of possible penetration of cockroaches thoroughly putty.

The possibility of the invasion of the "Prusaks" from the air vent is not ruled out. Therefore, it must be isolated with a special fine mesh.

4. Cockroach "landing"

Very often you can be "awarded" with this disgusting household unclean neighbors, acquaintances. Of course, all this happens without malicious intent on their part, but it will not be easier for you. To prevent such cases, you should carefully check the apartment for cockroaches after visiting such guests (you will not search your neighbors, acquaintances). Such precautions will not be superfluous, because it is enough to appear to one or two cockroaches and this will be enough so that soon they and their offspring will fill your kitchen and other rooms.

Well, if you timely revealed uninvited “tenants”. But what if the moment has been missed and now you are everywhere facing them? Declare war on them.

We start the fight against cockroaches

Elimination of the causes of the appearance of cockroaches does not mean victory over them. Therefore, it is time to begin the operation "Liquidation".

There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches, and above all, these are folk remedies that our grandfathers used. By the way, if someone tells you that now there is no problem fighting cockroaches due to the presence of a mass of all kinds of chemicals - do not believe it. Just this person does not know what it means to have cockroaches in the apartment.

So, get acquainted with the "weapon" of the fight against a serious opponent.

Currently, there are many chemical and technical ways to deal with cockroaches.

1. Traps

It’s a good thing if you started a war when the “enemy” was still not numerous. You have a chance to defeat him, albeit a small one.

The main advantage of traps, unlike "chemistry", is their environmental friendliness. Most traps are readily available for DIY. They have the principle of "nipple" - the entrance to food in the trap is always available, but the exit is impossible. In the morning you just have to collect the "crop" and destroy it. In this option, only one difficulty is the extraction of cockroaches from the trap, not allowing them to escape.

2. Chemicals

Despite their effectiveness, you should know that chemicals are dangerous not only for insects, but far from harmless to humans. With one hundred percent certainty we can say that for one "company" a war with cockroaches cannot be won, although their number will decrease after the use of poisons. Therefore, you will have to repeatedly use chemical attacks.

A good way to fight cockroaches are drugs containing fipronil. A cockroach, infected with this poison, infects other cockroaches, including offspring, which is very important. Many drugs kill only an adult without acting on offspring. As a result, some time after your false victory, new hordes of insects appear in the kitchen, and everything repeats again.

An excellent and, most importantly, safe for humans, is boric acid. It can be used in pure form, in the form of a powder scattered in places of high concentration of cockroaches. Can be used as a “food” additive in the bait.

Well-proven remedy Dohloks. It is very convenient to use - it is in a special syringe in the form of a gel. Very poisonous.

It does not hurt to recall the popular means of combating cockroaches - ammonia, meth, turpentine, kerosene. It is enough to wipe the baseboard with any of these substances so that the cockroaches leave your kitchen in a system. Floors washed with water mixed with a teaspoon of ammonia will surely expel these insects. True, this will have to be done until your neighbor also expels your fugitives away.

Of course, folk remedies are inferior in effectiveness to industrial drugs, but they are completely safe for humans.

3. Biological option

This method is not as radical as the chemical one, and requires some time and your patience. Patience, and in a couple of weeks you will collect around the apartment, and bear a lot of cockroaches that fell in this inconspicuous struggle. What is this clean way to eliminate cockroaches. About this - a little lower.

Cockroaches are, in essence, a very curious creature. You can perfectly play on this by planting with them something edible and bright, but mixed with poison. Boric acid is an excellent tool for this. It is safe for humans and pets, but it causes excruciating pains in a cockroach. And if he does not die after a while, he will surely be fleeing from your kitchen.

Cockroaches do not know how to share life experiences with each other. Therefore, this feature helps a person in the fight against them. The previous method can serve as confirmation. If the cockroach was able to share information with the relatives about the results of tasting beautiful food, this would seriously complicate the fight against them. Fortunately, this is not so.


When using chemicals, do not forget about your children and pets. They have a very high probability of getting poisons into the body, and there are a great many ways.

Boric acid must be used periodically, several times, until the appearance of visible results - the complete disappearance of cockroaches.

The action of most drugs is aimed at reducing the immunity of insects. However, with careless handling of poisons, a person may have a decrease in resistance to pathogenic bacteria. Be careful!

Watch the video: how to get rid of roaches cockroaches fast safe and no chemicals odder (October 2024).

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