Features of the choice of ironing dressers, existing options

In the process of choosing various interior items, people want to get designs that have an attractive appearance, affordable cost and perform many functions. Such furniture includes an ironing chest intended for storing various items and creating optimal conditions for ironing things.

Features and purpose

A chest of drawers with an ironing board is considered an ideal choice for any housewife, as it has many advantages. Most models are represented by transformers, so when folded, such a chest of drawers does not take up much space and is used to store various items. If you want to iron things, then the design is laid out, as a result of which optimal conditions for ironing are provided.

Such furniture can be installed in any room of residential real estate, therefore, in the process of its selection, it is taken into account in which style the room is made.

Typically, such a chest of drawers is equipped with various additional drawers, baskets, compartments or other elements that provide the convenience of storing different items in them, as well as the ironing process itself will be convenient. Ironing chest provides significant space savings, since it is not necessary to separately purchase an ironing board and chest of drawers.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many people think about the possibility of acquiring such an ironing chest, but they doubt its attractiveness, so the advantages and disadvantages of such a product should be evaluated. The positive parameters of its acquisition include:

  • if you choose the design correctly, then it will be attractive and fit well into the existing interior;
  • if necessary, the board can be laid out, and then assembled, so it will not interfere in the room, therefore, its appearance will not deteriorate;
  • chests of drawers are equipped with numerous drawers, compartments or other elements that provide the convenience of storing various items, so the ironing procedure will be really comfortable;
  • the surface for ironing, if necessary, can quickly increase;
  • some models are sold complete with a special hanger designed for shirts, jackets, trousers or other quickly creasing things, so you don’t need to hang these things in the closet during ironing;
  • This ironing chest is presented in numerous models that differ in colors, sizes or other parameters, which makes it possible for each person to choose the best option for constant use.

The disadvantages of such dressers include a rather high cost, and especially this applies to high-quality interior items made of expensive and durable materials. Also, before purchasing a specific model, you should check how the ironing board folds and unfolds, as often there is not a very high-quality mechanism.If there are difficulties with finding the optimal model that has the necessary parameters and a good price, then you can do it yourself, taking into account your own preferences, and different materials are chosen for this.

Materials of manufacture

An ironing chest is made using various materials, so it is possible to choose the best option. The most commonly used materials for its manufacture are:

  • wood, providing a durable, high-quality and beautiful product, but its cost is considered high, and also under the influence of high temperature the wood can be deformed;
  • Particleboard or MDF make it possible to obtain inexpensive designs that have the necessary parameters and interesting appearance, but before acquiring such models, make sure that they do not contain hazardous substances, since it is forbidden to use them in residential premises;
  • plastic can be used for a chest of drawers, but the ironing board itself must be made of other materials that are resistant to high temperature, and during use of the structure it is not allowed that the hot surface of the iron fall on plastic elements;
  • metal provides a stable chest of drawers with significant weight, so this option is chosen if it is not planned to periodically move the structure from one place to another.

Natural rattan models are also in demand, but when buying them, you need to make sure that they have a reliable frame so that when using a heavy iron, there is no situation in which the furniture just falls.

If you plan to do the construction with your own hands, then usually MDF, chipboard or natural wood is chosen for this. Photos of the finished results can be viewed below, and with independent work you can choose the best option for any interior.


How to choose the right

In the process of choosing such a product, important criteria are taken into account:

  • optimal cost corresponding to the quality and parameters of the interior;
  • attractive appearance, well suited to the specific room where the product is planned to be installed;
  • The ironing chest should be strong and reliable, as well as easy to unfold and fold;
  • the size of the board should be optimal so that during the ironing of different things there would be no difficulties and problems, therefore this item should not be too small or narrow;
  • the transformer is considered optimal, since the board can easily be folded, so it will not spoil the appearance of the entire room and chest of drawers;
  • equipped with various additional elements represented by baskets, drawers, coasters, compartments or other parts of the chest of drawers intended for storing all kinds of things or objects;
  • It is recommended to focus on models equipped with a special cover that simplifies the ironing process, and if necessary, it is easily removed, washed, dried, and then put on the board again.

Thus, ironing chests are considered an excellent choice for any housewife. They are distinguished by good roominess, durability and attractive appearance. If there is no way to select a suitable model, then it is quite easily created independently, for which you can use different materials. Designs can have various colors, and can also be installed in the living room, bedroom or other room.



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