How to diversify gray everyday life and cheer yourself up

Constant stresses both at home and at work, old insults, disappointments in relationships deprive a person of all the bright colors of life. And the cold, dullness and dampness outside the window only add gloom. According to the World Health Organization, more than 35% of Russians are in a constant depressed state, and, unfortunately, this figure is only increasing every year.

Someone prefers to relieve tension behind a glass of something "strong" in the company of a best friend or girlfriend. Someone simply closes in on themselves, trusting no one ... In any case, no one but himself can understand the problem, draw conclusions and help raise his spirits. Do not put off "for later", wait for the right moment. You can start changing right now!

Common Causes of Fading

In the life of everyone, there must have been moments when everything infuriates, everything is wrong. It seems that a little more and a person will simply explode from anger. About such people they usually say: "I got up on the wrong foot." And few people think to come up, talk, find out what happened and whether help is needed.

IT IS INTERESTING! Russian scientists have found that most often negative emotions are visited in the fall and winter. Women from 25 to 45 years old - the most common category, prone to "spleen".

It is good if such bouts of irritation occur infrequently. But there are people who constantly have a bad mood and their anger, they tear off on subordinates or relatives. How to help a person in such a situation?

To cope with negative emotions, you need to understand the reasons for their appearance. Psychologists identify several of the most common factors that reduce mood:

  • Negative thoughts. Such a person is inclined to receive and process incoming information only in a negative aspect. He simply does not notice the positive points.
  • Inability to compromise. Often such people are "always right." They are not used to reckoning with the opinions of others, so any, even the most harmless dispute, for them can turn into a big tragedy.
  • Pessimistic forecasts. “Nothing will change, everything will only get worse,” are the thoughts of such a person.
  • High demands on yourself. Such a complex originates in childhood. Strict parents constantly compare the child with their peers, make them learn better than Kolya from the parallel class. Even having matured, a person still remains within the strict framework: "I have to," "I need to." All this greatly affects their own self-esteem, lowers mood to a minimum.
  • Own speculation. Constant attempts to guess what others are thinking about, reluctance to test their guesses and ask directly, nothing good but disappointment does not bring such people to life.
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Top tips to cheer yourself up

According to a survey conducted by British students among young people from 17 to 32 years old, the leading positions in the struggle for a good mood are: personal success and getting money.

The event was attended by over 120,000 young people and this is what happened:

EventThe number of people votedPercentage ratio
Favorite Band Concert13 45210,87 %
Sweets5 6044,53 %
A party15 57812,59 %
Receiving the money20 00916,18 %
Watching a good movie8 7567,08 %
Receiving a gift13 08710,58 %
Personal success21 54317,46 %
Date16 41313,27 %
Academic success9 2017,44 %

Based on the data obtained, we can conclude that the best ways to improve vitality at home are:

  • Self-realization. Each one is unique, each has talents that, due to constant fuss, remain banned. Set aside all things for later: take out watercolors and paper - draw a picture, build a model of the dream house, write a poem, cook some unusual dish.
  • Hobby. It will certainly bring pleasure, and you will feel relief.
  • Stroll. Answer yourself the question: when was the last time you were in nature? And can you afford to slowly walk through the familiar streets or take a walk in the park? You should not look for excuses, citing constant employment and bad weather outside the window. Close the computer, turn off the phone, and go outside. A few hours of silence and tranquility will help to arrange thoughts in order, fill the body with vital energy.
  • Favorite movie. Go to the movies for the premiere of a new comedy. Remember to grab a couple of fun pals. Joint viewing will not only cheer you up, but will also become an occasion for further discussion of the film in a cozy cafe.
  • Dance. Favorite music in combination with crazy dance will help to throw out negative energy. Lack of voice or dancing skills is not a reason for refusal. Just try it - you'll love it!
  • Meditation. The technique of meditation is quite simple: no strangers, a relaxed state and the desire to drive all thoughts out of your head are the main components for a successful immersion session.
  • Beauty salon or spa. Surprisingly, this method has an effective effect not only on the fairer sex. Some men are also not averse to relaxing in a Turkish sauna or on stone therapy. Here the main rule is a good master, whom you can fully trust.
  • Communication with animals. It has long been known that pets, like no other, help relieve stress and improve mood. Go for a walk with the dog, play frisbee. Pet the cat, talk to the parrot. If there are no pets, you can go with the children to the dolphinarium, a contact zoo. So you not only distract from obsessive thoughts, but also give the child a holiday.
  • Noble act. Visit an animal shelter or orphanage. All problems instantly cease to seem insoluble. With each cell of the body you can feel the pain of abandoned pets or children without parental care and care. After visiting such institutions, an instant reappraisal of values ​​takes place.
  • Sleep. Yes, you didn’t think so! It is an excellent antidepressant. Even one hour of deep sleep will help you feel the renewal, feel the surge of new vitality.
IT IS INTERESTING! Paraguay is the country of the most positive people. More than 84% of the inhabitants of this country are satisfied with their life, constantly smiling and optimistic about the future.Video tips

The fastest way to cheer up

It’s not always possible to devote yourself a few hours of precious time. What to do in such a situation, how to quickly and permanently raise your spirits?

Here are some quick but effective ways. Choose one of them and immediately start implementation!

  • A call to the person who is listening. Supporting loved ones is priceless. Try to surround yourself only with faithful, reliable friends and your mood will always be on a positive wave.
  • Physical activity. Change the type of activity, disperse blood through the vessels helps to distract from current tasks and "clear" the head. Even after a five-minute warm-up, fresh ideas will come to mind, and you can look at the problem from a different angle, make a decision.
  • Lunch break. Sometimes you should treat yourself to something delicious. This is an excellent mood enhancer. The main thing is to observe the measure and not get involved in eating sweets. This applies to women who like to “jam” stress, which adds another problem - obesity.
  • Favourite song. One click of a button can dissolve consciousness in the stream of music, leave any problems behind.
  • Dreams. Transfer your thoughts for a few minutes to where it’s good, where they value and wait for you. These can be your favorite places to relax or weekly gatherings with your family.
  • Mirror smile. Such an idea may seem strange, but believe me - it’s literally a couple of minutes of a sincere smile and you can’t stop laughing.
  • Plan to solve the problem. Living in constant negativity and breaking into loved ones is not the best option. Take a pen and blank paper, begin to write down on points all possible solutions.
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The advice of psychologists and doctors

In no case do not fall for the tricks of a bad mood - this is the most important and basic recommendation that all doctors give. Most people, as soon as they become discouraged, immediately lower their hands and go with the flow. In no case should you do this!

At the first symptoms of a worsening mood, immediately take the necessary measures. Based on your temperament, lifestyle and interests, choose the most suitable optimization option. Specialists distinguish the following groups of methods:


  • Love life, because it is beautiful!

  • Doing sports.

  • Get-togethers with friends.

  • Visiting museums, exhibitions.

  • Shopping

  • Personal care.

  • Visualization

  • Relaxation.

  • Meditation.

  • Reading books.
  • Physical activity. Psychologists advise energetic natures to move more. It can be jogging, cycling, swimming.
  • Cleaning the house. A great method to kill two birds with one stone. Experts believe that at the subconscious level, disorder affects a person. A mess in things prevents the end of confusion in the head. As the apartment is filled with cleanliness and comfort, the mood will begin to rise. Therefore, take a rag and decisively proceed to clearing the home.
  • Notebook of success. Record ten of the tasks that you completed today. A great method to increase self-esteem and gain confidence. The lack of good mood of many people is connected with the fact that they do nothing: only routine is “work-home”. Filling the diary, you can no longer be lazy and put things off for later.
  • Words of gratitude. Thank yourself for what you did for this day, friends for any, even the most insignificant, help, life for having it, parents for bringing up and educating.
  • Lack of negative information. Stop watching TV, reading the yellow press and listening to the gossip of envious people.
  • Active lifestyle. Regular training activates the production of hormones of happiness, which raise your mood and energize for a long time.
IT IS INTERESTING! Specialists at the University of Manchester say that about 45% of a person’s life is spent on negative emotions, 35% are devoted to neutral preferences, and only 20% are truly happy.

Experts recommend calm introverts:

  • More often indulge in dreams. The cozy atmosphere in the walls of your home will help you relax and feel calm. To do this, place and light candles, add a couple of drops of aromatic oil, turn on soft soft music, sit comfortably on your favorite sofa and just dream.
  • Take a warm bath. All the above technique can be applied here. Sea salt, essential oils fill the air with the scent of peace and complete relaxation.
  • Read books. When choosing a work, carefully read the author and choose the one who was able to achieve something in life. Only in this case, the mind will receive the really necessary information that will help to cope with depression and a breakdown.

In addition, doctors recommend to absolutely every person not to forget to strengthen their immunity, eat right and regularly take a complex of vitamins.

Should I take antidepressants?

The use of drugs is allowed only when all of the above methods do not work. In this case, there is a chance that the bad mood turned into depression. The choice of drugs should be made only on the recommendation of a doctor, after making the correct diagnosis.

To date, three types of antidepressants are registered:

  • Sedative action (soothe, relieve anxiety).
  • Balanced exposure (wagons).
  • With activating effect (effective in combating apathy and lethargy).

Most of them begin to act almost instantly. However, it is worth considering the side effects of each individual remedy:

  • Insomnia.
  • Headache.
  • Allergy.
  • Hallucinations.
  • Violation of the digestive tract.
  • Renal failure.

Before you self-medicate, make an appointment with your doctor. Perhaps a competent specialist will help to look at the problem from a different angle, will push for the right solution.

There are no hopeless situations in life, - says folk wisdom. Whatever happens, do not give up and become disappointed in people. It depends only on us: to go with the flow or fight to the end. Try to block access to negative emotions, fill with colors gray, dull days. Surround yourself only with positive, reliable people who strive for success. They will give support at the right time and help together to reach the cherished goal.

Watch the video: Farrah Gray's Top 10 Rules For Success @RealFarrahGray (October 2024).

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