Simple and detailed instructions on how to plant a money tree at home

Even people far from floriculture are familiar with the money tree or rossula. This houseplant is incredibly popular and no less recognizable, thanks to its round thick leaflets, similar to coins. It is very simple to get your own money tree, for this a small stalk or even just a leaf is enough. This article will tell you how to plant a cruscula with a leaf, seeds and a handle and what to do after planting.

Is it possible to plant a rosula cuttings without roots?

There are several ways to propagate a money tree; the simplest and most effective of them is propagation by the cuttings method. The stem stem, separated from the adult plant, can be germinated both in water, followed by transplantation into the ground, and immediately in the ground. The first roots with both options, as a rule, appear within a week, complete rooting can take from one to two months.

When is the best time to do this?

Crassula can be planted year-round. Nevertheless, winter for the money tree is a period of rest, and in the spring and summer, the active growth and development of new leaves and shoots begins. Therefore, a planting conducted in spring or early summer has a better chance of succeeding.

What capacity will you need?

For planting a money tree, it is recommended to choose shallow wide pots, the diameter of which should approximately correspond to the size of the crown of the plant. The material from which the pot is made does not matter of principle; clay or ceramic pots as well as plastic ones are suitable for Crassula.

To root the cuttings, you need to choose a small capacity, even an ordinary plastic cup will do, since in a year a young plant will have to be transplanted anyway.

Choosing land for a flower

The best soil for a money tree is a special soil for cacti and succulents, you can also use universal soil for indoor plants, diluting it with sand in a ratio of 3: 1. If desired, the soil can be prepared independently, for this it is necessary to mix 3 parts of sheet soil and 1 part of turf land and sand.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant a fat woman at home

As mentioned earlier, the easiest and most universal way to grow a money tree is to plant the stem of an adult plant in a separate pot. But this method is far from the only one. At home, use the three main methods of cultivation:

  • stem cuttings;
  • leafy cuttings;
  • seeds.

The latter method, however, is used quite rarely, since under indoor conditions the money tree almost never blooms, and it can be difficult to get its seeds.

Stem cuttings

There are two main ways of sprouting cuttings of a money tree.:

  • in water;
  • in the ground.

The first method is considered more reliable, since when planting in the ground the stem already has a root system, but in some cases, when germinating in water, the stem will wither and decay.

The procedure for planting a shoot of a money tree is practically the same regardless of the presence or absence of roots:

  1. The capacity chosen for planting is filled by about a third with a drainage layer (for example, expanded clay).
  2. The remaining space is filled with soil, after which the soil must be moistened slightly without tamping.
  3. A small depression is made in the center, into which a stalk is placed to a depth of about 3 cm and sprinkled with earth.

    Important! If the shoot already has roots, it is very important not to damage them when planting, since it is a healthy root system that will give the greatest guarantee that the young plant will take root successfully.

  4. In order that the planted cuttings would not bend or fall, additional supports can be installed.
  5. A pot with a small money tree must be placed in a warm, well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight.
  6. As the soil dries up, it must be moistened, for a better development of the root system, you can use a solution of root or succinic acid.

After the new leaves begin to appear in the young plant, it can be said with confidence that the rooting process was successful.

We suggest you watch a video about planting a cutlery of a fatty:


Rooting a leaf of a money tree takes much more time.than germination of the cuttings, but it is still a very effective way to propagate the plant.

Unlike the shoots, it is recommended that the leaves be first germinated in water and planted in the soil after the appearance of roots about 2-3 cm long. When the leaves are planted immediately in the ground, they often dry or wither.

In addition to leaf cuttings, a money tree can also be propagated by children - these are leaves or small processes in which roots appear when they are on the mother tree. Falling, children can root themselves in a pot next to an adult plant.

Reference! A baby is a miniature plant; when planted, the chances of rooting are almost 100%.

The algorithm for planting the leaf does not differ significantly from the procedure for planting the stem, with the only difference being that it is necessary to sprinkle the leaf with soil by about a third, and the result will have to wait much longer - the rooting process can take about 2 months, and the first leaves more shoots will appear even later.

We offer you to watch a video about landing of a crassula using a leaf:


Mostly seed breeding is used for breeding and breeding hybrids, since this method requires much more time and effort.

Nevertheless, there are always enthusiasts who need to start from scratch and trace the life path of the plant from the very first leaf.

Here's how to act, if you have money tree seeds and you want to plant them yourself at home:

  1. Soil is poured into a small, thoroughly sanitized container (special soil for cacti and succulents, or a mixture of sheet soil and sand in a 2: 1 ratio).
  2. Crassula seeds are very small, they are evenly scattered on the surface, and then sprinkled with sand.
  3. Moisten a little, then cover the container on top with glass or polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
  4. An impromptu greenhouse must be aired daily.

If everything is done correctly, after 3-4 weeks the first seedlings will begin to appear, they must be peaked in a container with a substrate consisting of sheet soil, turf land and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

Seedlings are placed in a warm, well-lit place. so that direct sunlight does not fall on it. After the seedlings reach 7 cm in height, they can be planted in separate pots.


In the photo you can see how a young plant of a fat woman in a pot looks like.

How to care for a young plant?

Despite the fact that the money tree is considered an unpretentious plant, one should not forget that the young plant needs more thorough care, otherwise it may simply die.

Conditions for Successful Rooting:

  • Crassula does not like direct sunlight, they can cause burns on the leaves, while the plant tolerates partial shade.
  • Watering must be carried out as the substrate dries in small portions. In the summer, the plant is watered once a week, in the cold season not more than 1 time per month.

    Important! An excess of moisture affects the money tree negatively, it quickly begins to fade and rot, brown spots appear on the leaves. This plant tolerates a little drought better than excessive watering.

  • For planting, it is imperative to use suitable soil, otherwise the rooting process can take much longer, the plant will be weakened and may begin to hurt.
  • The first 8 months after planting, fertilizer application is not required, in the future you can use universal fertilizers for cacti and succulents, reducing the recommended concentration by 2-3 times.
  • For more active plant growth and root system development, a solution of succinic acid and root can be used every 2 months.

After about a year, the money tree can be transplanted into a more spacious pot, in the future, the transplant is carried out as the plant grows, on average once every 2-3 years.

Money tree easily propagated by cuttings and leavesEven a novice can do this. Seed propagation takes much longer and is impractical at home. Regardless of the choice of propagation method, if successful, the result will please the grower for many years.


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