How to remove hips at home in 3 weeks

A beautiful and slender figure is the dream of every woman, but not everyone is ready to fight for the desired ideals. If you have the desire and confidence that you have enough patience and perseverance in achieving the goal, that you are ready to adhere to and strictly observe a number of rules, pay attention to physical exercises and proper nutrition every day, then the article is written for you. Where to start to remove the hips?

First, measure the thigh volume of each leg separately, choose a wide place. Write in a notebook, diary or notebook. It is better to write in the table: date, hips of the left and right legs. Such measurements will have to be taken every week. Many will say: "Why all this?" The first losses in the hips are not visible to the eye, but the centimeter will “see”. There will be an incentive to move forward to the intended goal, the mood will improve markedly!

First week - bodyflex

Monday morning start with a hips body flex. It will help eliminate problem areas, make it slim and fit. Ideally, master the full range. Minimum daily performance of three exercises: "seiko", "boat", "pretzel". Bodyflex helps burn fat and lose weight in the right places.

Seiko exercise

Helps tighten the muscles on the hips.

  1. Starting position - knees are on the floor.
  2. With bent elbows, leaning on the floor, we take the right leg to the side at a right angle, with the foot on the floor.
  3. Being in this position, take a breath and hold your breath by drawing in the muscles of the abdomen and go into the initial position.
  4. After exhaling, raise the extended leg to the level of the thigh and pull forward, towards the head.
  5. The leg remains straight; there is no need to pull the toe of the foot.
  6. In this position, hold your breath again for 8 seconds.

It is recommended to do the exercise at least three times in each direction.

Video exercises at home

Boat exercise

Tightens the inner thigh.

  1. The starting position is to sit on the floor without lifting your heels off the floor.
  2. Pull the socks of your feet towards you and spread them apart. Then rest your hands on the floor, hold the torso on straight arms.
  3. In this position, take a breath and hold your breath.
  4. When you exhale, move your hands forward, bending at the waist, put your hands in front of you, bend without lifting your palms from the floor.
  5. You feel the extension of the thighs. In this position, hold for 8 seconds and allow the muscles to relax.

Repeat 3 times.

Pretzel exercise

Tightens the outer thighs and removes the sides.

  1. The starting position is to sit on the floor, bending the knees so that the left knee is on top of the right, straighten the right leg.
  2. Place your left hand behind your back, and your right hand on your knee. Take a breath and draw in your stomach, holding your breath. After exhaling, we change position.
  3. Transfer body weight to the left hand. With the right we attract the left knee. We turn the body body to the left, look back.
  4. Muscle strain will be felt. In this position, hold out for 8 seconds and relax.

Repeat the exercise 3 times in each direction.


In the first week, dinner time is an hour earlier. If the habit of dining at 22 o’clock, postpone to 21 o’clock. Ideally, have dinner no later than 18 hours. Fans of night snacks will have a lot more difficult.

So goes the first week to reduce hips. On Monday, take measurements and put in the table. If you notice changes, continue the exercises. If the result is invisible or you want to accelerate, add an evening procedure from the second week.

Second week - add massage and rubbing

Bodyflex for the hips remains, dinner is postponed an hour earlier. If you managed to get to 18 hours, do not postpone for an hour. In the evening, add another procedure: rubbing the skin with a special dry brush and foot massage. Dry grinding is considered anti-cellulite.


  1. Start with your fingers and hands. This is done as much as time and desire allow.
  2. After rubbing your hands, go to the feet. For convenience, the foot can be placed on the edge of the bath. Rubbing the feet and fingers is carried out across. Then, the soles and ankle joints are rubbed in a circular motion, gradually moving to the lower leg.
  3. When rubbing, try to press the brush as hard as possible. Perform long movements, from the ankle to the knees, on the lower leg. Repeat 15 times.
  4. After the transition to the buttocks and hips. Do the same exercises with the other leg.

Gradually learn to identify the most problematic places on the body, and cellulite will pass. Do not hope that everything will happen quickly, sometimes you have to wait for months. If you want to get rid of extra centimeters on the hips and abdomen, such exercises should become the norm.

After dry grinding, take a shower or bath, then give yourself 15 minutes of self-massage. On Monday, we measure the parameters again and put them in a notebook.

All procedures performed are possible after consulting a doctor. It all depends on the characteristics of the body and a number of diseases.

Video how to remove the ears on the hips

Third week - add a hot wrap

Previous procedures are retained. Add a hot wrap once every 3 days, only 10 procedures. Many people consider the best material for wrapping - seaweed, which are sold in a pharmacy. No less effective is honey with vinegar.

In the evening, after dry grinding, take a shower, then proceed to wrap. If you decide to wrap with algae, pre-soak them with hot water for 15 minutes, but not boiling water. Then apply on the hips and wrap with cling film. For 30 minutes, lie under a warm blanket, peel off the film and wash your hips with warm water. After the procedure, perform self-massage.

We change the diet

To improve the figure and remove excess from the hips, it will take a lot of effort. Exercise can be negated if you do not rebuild the food. And you have to forget about pork. Which products should I focus on?

  1. Vegetables. Sweet and hot pepper. It is believed that the most useful peppers are yellow and orange. Fresh, pickled cabbage, broccoli. Remember, fresh cabbage in large quantities causes flatulence.
  2. Fruits. Kiwi burns fats, as well as avocados, apples, pears. A lot of pectin and fiber, which contributes to the normalization of the intestines, the removal of bad cholesterol and fats from the body.
  3. Nuts. Almonds, peanuts, walnuts. Contain vegetable protein, potassium, calcium, iodine, magnesium. Eat 5-8 pieces daily. This will help to cope with fatigue and depression, normalize carbon metabolism, and the muscular system.
  4. Cereals. Oatmeal (Hercules), rice, buckwheat. Buckwheat is a source of slow carbohydrates, it has a low fat content and a lot of iron. Buckwheat can model the body by increasing muscle mass. Oatmeal is rich in phosphorus, calcium and fiber, which is good for bone tissue. Rice is a source of carbohydrates, fiber, and magnesium. It does not delay the incoming fluid in the body, it is recommended for diets.
  5. Fish. The most valuable omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A and D. Polyunsaturated fatty acids allow you to fight cholesterol, contribute to the normalization of the brain, cardiovascular system. It is better to steam or boil the fish.
  6. Low-fat cheeses. A valuable dairy product that contains vitamins and amino acids. Recommended feta cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, hard cheeses. Pay attention to cheeses for women over 40, they have a lot of phosphorus and calcium, which is necessary to strengthen bones, especially if you are engaged in serious physical exertion. To the diet add fermented milk products, kefir with bran in the evening. It will cleanse the body of toxins and speed up metabolic processes.
  7. Boiled eggs. Recommended for breakfast. Boiled eggs are a low-calorie product that saturates the body with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and trace elements. Protein in an egg is healthier than in meat, fish or milk. Frying is not recommended. To diversify your consumption, you can cook an omelet from the same proteins with stewed vegetables.

On Monday, take measurements again! Is there a result? Are you satisfied with the changes? If you are unhappy with your hips, a direct road to the gym. You can perform simple physical exercises daily. Start running in the morning or evening for 40 minutes. Running helps reduce the volume of the hips and buttocks.

Anyone in the region of 40 years or more is better to replace jogging with athletic or Nordic walking.

Useful Tips

Nordic walking is more effective than ordinary or athletic. A large muscle group is involved, 45% more calories are burned. This is the way to lose weight and burn excess fat in problem areas, on the hips and buttocks, especially when combined with a healthy lifestyle.

Squatting, swinging legs, jumping rope and hula hoop help get rid of extra centimeters on the hips. The main thing is not to be lazy! Whichever the ideal is not chosen, it will be possible to remove the hips to a certain limit, there is a limit to everything. Then the task will be to keep the gains! What to do for this?

Watch the video: Shape Your Hips, Inner Thighs & Butt at Home, Cardio Workout w Stretches, Fitness (October 2024).

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