Interior partitions in the interior: an exclusive way of zoning

In order to create an exclusive design in their home, they often resort to such a zoning method as decorative interior partitions, which can be used in addition to supporting walls. With the help of them you can perfectly divide the house into several separate rooms. In addition, there are several types of partitions and may have different designs. ...
  • How to cook buckwheat on a side dish, with mushrooms and minced meat, in pots

    Lovers of cereals dream of learning how to cook buckwheat deliciously. After all, buckwheat is a healthy product. It contains proteins, trace elements, vitamins. A variety of nutritious and delicious dishes are prepared from this cereal. The benefits of buckwheat have been repeatedly studied by nutritionists and passed all the tests with dignity. ...
  • Chair covers: beautiful ideas in the photo and the original workshop

    When designers say “play with textiles”, most often they mean replacing curtains or decorative pillows with a sofa. Everything else is considered complex, painstaking and long to implement. But if you are “on you” with a sewing machine, why don't you try changing clothes and chairs? For example, come up with an interesting style of covers for them. ...
  • Desk: practical and stylish

    In the modern interior, many pieces of furniture have lost their meaning. Desks are replaced by various devices or worktops adapted for computers. The classic desk in the apartment is less and less common. Nevertheless, this stylish representative of the situation is able to add sophistication and uniqueness to the room. ...
  • Diet and menu of a nursing mother in the first month

    Every woman after the appearance of a child in the family asks questions. Among them is the question "what can you eat a nursing mother after childbirth?". According to most, a strict diet is needed. In fact, there are no products whose use by mom leads to the appearance of negative consequences in the baby. ...
  • Chest of drawers in the interior

    A chest of drawers is a rather old, multifunctional type of furniture designed to store various things, most often clothes. This piece of furniture appeared in Italy around the seventeenth century, where it began to gain popularity, quickly fell in love with the whole of Europe. Due to its elegance, compactness, multitasking and huge space for the imagination of the designer, chests of drawers remain popular to this day, gradually moving from the bedrooms to other rooms. ...
  • Diseases and pests of tagetes

    Marigold flowers got their name because of the unusual shape of the petals - in the form of velvety fabric. In different countries and cities, the plant has its name: Chernobrivtsi in Ukraine, Mary's gold in London, students' flowers in Germany. You can meet bright inflorescences everywhere: from a garden lawn to a city park. ...
  • Variants of the hood that are built into the cabinet, and their features

    Convenience and comfort of cooking, being in the kitchen depends on many details. In this room it is important to distribute everything so that the necessary is at hand. The comfort of your stay depends on such a thing as a range hood. Someone neglects it, believing that there is nothing wrong with kitchen smells: but so far it will only burn anything. ...
  • Royal geranium pruning and other lush flowering treatments

    Among all types of geraniums, royal is a special place - a wonderful ornamental plant with large delicate flowers of various colors. But along with the lush and decorative appearance, this variety of plants is also capricious. Including sometimes there are problems with the flowering of royal geraniums - this is the issue that we will consider in the article. ...
  • National cuisine of Sri Lanka - what to try on vacation

    The national cuisine of Sri Lanka is distinguished by spice and spiciness, while it is rather difficult to call it diverse and sophisticated. Many modern Sri Lankan cooks do not add too hot condiments. Many dishes use coconut milk, a mixture of spices and sections - curry, cardamom, cloves, cumin, cinnamon, coriander. ...
  • How to remove the smell of cat urine from a sofa, folk methods

    Cats and cats are clean and intelligent animals that quickly learn to use the toilet in the designated place. However, sometimes under the influence of certain factors, they can mark upholstered furniture, which will subsequently exude an unpleasant aroma for a long time. You must know how to remove the smell of cat urine from the sofa, although it will not be easy to do. ...
  • Step-by-step instructions for making a bed frame with your own hands

    The center of any bedroom is the bed. The importance of this type of furniture is very high - it is on it that a person spends almost a third of his life, resting after working days. And despite the fact that the modern furniture market allows you to purchase a convenient product at an attractive price, you can make a bed frame with your own hands quite simply and with minimal investment. ...
  • How to cook mushroom mushroom at home

    You can cook mushrooms in home conditions in different ways - fry, boil or pickle for the winter. Such mushrooms are not inferior to white in taste and useful properties. Mushrooms are added to the soup or fried with potatoes. The only negative is that they turn black much when frying, if you do not add a teaspoon of vinegar to the broth. ...
  • What to see on your own in Nha Trang and the surrounding area?

    What to see in Nha Trang is a fairly popular question among those planning a trip to Vietnam. Holidays on the beach, of course, are relaxing, but what to do if you want variety. Photos and descriptions of the sights of Nha Trang (Vietnam) attract tourists with exotic, local flavor. Let's figure out where you can go and go to Nha Trang. ...
  • Beautiful and practical beds for dolls, how to do it yourself

    Children, especially girls, love to take care of dolls. For these purposes, whole sets of doll furniture and interior items have been developed. But to make a bed for a doll yourself or with a child is more economical and interesting. To know how to make a bed for dolls yourself, first consider all manufacturing options and choose the right one. ...
  • Decorative stone for decorating the hallway

    The use of decorative stone to decorate various rooms of a modern home has become incredibly popular. Finishing with the help of decorative stone in the hallways was more widespread. Natural material or its spectacular imitation in the surface finish of the auxiliary room, allows you to create original images that harmoniously fit into the different styles of design of modern homes - apartments or private houses. ...
  • Ordinary agave and healing aloe vera. What are the differences?

    Most of us are familiar with the name Aloe Vera. It is often found in medical and cosmetic products. And many of us know a tall houseplant with a thick, woody trunk and long spiky leaves, from which our grandmother squeezed bitter green juice to drip into her nose for a cold. ...