Why cats are afraid of cucumbers

Let's talk about why cats are afraid of cucumbers. This is a great reason to relax and forget about difficulties and problems for a moment. Recently, videos have appeared on the Internet with cats scared of cucumbers. They managed to gain popularity in the shortest possible time. While the pet is having a meal, the owner imperceptibly lays behind a green cucumber. ...
  • Beautiful and unusual washbasins: extravagant design solutions

    The washbasin is one of the central links in the designer bathroom chain. This ordinary item can be a very extravagant accent in the bathroom. Among the many different options for washbasins, it’s not easy to choose the best one for a particular project. The choice of sink depends on the style and color palette of the interior, layout, size and configuration of the room. ...
  • Antalya Waterfalls - Upper and Lower Duden

    Antalya is the most visited resort in Turkey, where millions of tourists come from all over the world every year. This cheerful flowering city is ready to offer its guests not only the azure shores and the warm sea, but also many cultural and natural attractions. Among them, Duden Waterfall occupies a special place, the lower part of which has long been a hallmark of the famous resort. ...
  • How to bake whole carp and slices

    Carp is a species of freshwater fish of the carp family. It has a juicy, dense, slightly sweet meat. It can be boiled, steamed, fried and baked. Using any method, an excellent dish is obtained, since the carp meat tastes good. The meat contains the following useful components: potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, is a valuable source of vitamins D and A and group B. ...
  • All about the shield. What does it look like, where does it come from and how to get rid of a pest on indoor plants?

    It is so insulting when a favorite plant becomes ill or pests attack it. Symptoms of these phenomena are similar, but it is important to make a diagnosis in time - a disease or attack in order to properly carry out rescue measures. The shield is one of the most treacherous enemies of the plant world. If you do not take action, a plant affected by these small but numerous pests quickly dies. ...
  • How to choose a chest of drawers for the living room, expert advice

    The living room is an indispensable room in any apartment or house. It is intended for people to spend time together, so a sofa and a TV are installed here, as well as chests of drawers in the living room, which can have different designs, sizes and other parameters. ...
  • What can be wardrobes tricuspid, model selection

    Such an object as a three-winged wardrobe can be considered a classic option. Having appeared in the 18th century, it has long remained the privilege of the upper strata of society. Many years have passed, and now it is the most popular configuration that can be found in almost every home. The popularity is due to the convenience, spaciousness, versatility of the design. ...
  • The whole truth about aloe: what you need to know about this plant and is it possible to keep it at home?

    Many people have an evergreen unpretentious, highly branched aloe tree. In winter, it perfectly tolerates the cool temperature of the room and does not require watering at all. We wrote about aloe vera care in this article. More than 500 species are common in nature, but they all grow in Africa and Arabia. Aloe Vera: a native of the Canary Islands, is cultivated as a pot culture. ...
  • Dollhouse furniture options, safe materials, interesting ideas

    All girls dream of a toy house for their favorite dolls, equipped with various furniture and appliances. Puppet furniture allows children to fantasize, and beautifully designed furnishings in toy houses contribute to the formation of an aesthetic taste. At home, furniture can be made independently, the process of their manufacture is quite simple. ...
  • How to care for the roots of phalaenopsis?

    The combination of beauty, tenderness, sophistication - all these complements are addressed to the phalaenopsis. A houseplant will decorate any room in the house. Also, this variety is undemanding in nature and has a long flowering period. But this is possible only with proper care, because in order for the orchid to please with a beautiful color, its roots must be healthy. ...
  • How to step-by-step transplant Phalaenopsis orchids at home? We analyze the nuances

    Phalaenopsis is one of the most beloved species of orchids. Its flowers resemble butterfly wings. Both professional flower growers and amateurs are seriously passionate about his breeding. But any houseplant must be properly looked after. Phalaenopsis has a unique root system, and it needs a timely transplant. ...
  • Country-class economy houses: projects of budget buildings for a comfortable stay

    A country house is a dream of many people. However, some believe that the desire will never be realized. There is an opinion that building a house will entail huge financial costs. In most cases, this is not so unless you are applying for a luxury mansion. Country houses of economy class are quite budgetary, since alternative materials and technologies are used in construction. ...
  • It is interesting to know: how many cacti live at home and in nature? How to care to extend longevity?

    Cactus is one of the most unpretentious house plants. It will survive if you water it at least occasionally and not put it on the balcony in winter. How long can a cactus live, and what needs to be done to pass on a favorite cactus to offspring? This article describes in detail how many cacti live at home and in nature. ...
  • How to lower cholesterol at home

    Cholesterol is an important substance for the life of the body that is present in cell membranes. But with an increase in the maximum permissible concentration, it can be hazardous to health, since with age, its particles settle more and more on the vessels, and then crystallize, forming plaques. These formations reduce the lumen of blood vessels, and the blood supply to vital organs deteriorates, which leads to a number of diseases. ...
  • How to close an LLC in 2019 - step-by-step instructions on liquidation and bankruptcy of an LLC + examples and sample documents for download

    Hello dear readers of the Rich Pro business magazine! In this article, we will talk about how to close an LLC, namely, consider the liquidation procedure and provide step-by-step instructions, following which closing an LLC (including with debts / through bankruptcy) will be a simple and quick procedure. The concept of a legal entity is found in everyday life more and more often. ...
  • Where to eat in Stockholm cheap and tasty - 10 restaurants

    Stockholm is a city that not only delights in the sights, but also quickly devastates the wallets of tourists. That is why the question - where to eat in Stockholm cheaply - is relevant for everyone who is going to the capital of Sweden. It turns out that there are a lot of inexpensive establishments that offer delicious food for a moderate fee. ...
  • The differences between the legs for beds, their main characteristics

    Support fittings play an important role in the production of cabinet and upholstered furniture. Products are responsible for the stability, reliability, life of structures. At the same time, the practical and decorative function is performed by the legs for the bed, the quality of which is subject to special requirements. The supports should be made of durable high-quality material, reliably connected to the base (frame) of the bed, consistent with the design and style of furniture. ...