A popular variety of lobelia is Emperor Willy: features of growing plants and rules for care

Lobelia, Emperor Willy or William is a very popular flower among gardeners and gardeners. It is unpretentious, perfectly adjacent to other colors. Very much appreciated for its long and generous flowering.

Next, we will tell you in detail about this plant: what it looks like (photo of varieties), where it is better to plant. What are the features of its cultivation: what soil is needed, proper watering, fertilizing, is it necessary to trim the bush. And also, the nuances of planting in open flower beds.

Appearance and habitat

Lobelia is a perennial herb of the bell family. Homeland maternal varieties - South Africa.

Natural varieties grow on stony, moist soils. The bred varieties are unpretentious; they grow in a sandy and even loamy substrate.

Fertilize the soil is necessary in moderation, lobelia does not require enhanced dressing.

In modern floriculture, they are used as an annual flower. Bushes are stunted, grow 10 cm in height. The bush is compact, forms a spherical, densely flowering crown.

The stems are thin, fragile, branch strongly right at the base.

The leaves are small, oblong, dense, whole, dark green. The leaves are arranged alternately, very densely planted on the stem, which gives the whole bush a bright decorative effect even after flowering.

The flowers are miniature, curly, two-lipped, saturated - cornflower blue, in diameter have a size of up to 2 cm. The flowers themselves are located in the axils of small foliage, placed on short pedicels.

On a note. The variety is distinguished by the duration and saturation of flowering.

Lobelia begins flowering in June and ends in late September.

Most often propagated by seeds - the process is long, but fruitful, seedlings begin active flowering after 2 - 2.5 months.

Gardeners use this hybrid flower in group compositional plantings on spacious flower beds or along lawns. Looks good on alpine hills, in a composition with wild stones and large clay pots. The apartment can be planted in hanging planters, balcony drawers, flowerpots.


Photos of the lobelia variety Emperor Willie are presented below:

Growing Features

What season is the best time to start?

Most often, lobelia is grown by Emperor Willy seedlings. Seeds are sown in February - early March.

Important! The period of seed germination and seedling growth is long, special care is required, additional lighting in the first stages of growth.

Seedlings dive 2 times - at first in small pots or peat glasses, seedlings are planted in open ground in May, when the spring heat is stable.

How to prepare the ground?

So that the flowering is lush and dense, you should not saturate the substrate with organic fertilizers - manure or humus. Fertile soil gives good tillering, greens acquire brightness, but the main advantage of this variety is lost - plentiful flowering.

The soil for lobelia, Emperor Willy should be moist, breathable, loose. It is better to purchase a special substrate in the store, but you can prepare the mixture yourself, adhering to the following proportions:

  • Coarse river sand - 1.5 hours
  • Garden land - 1 hour
  • Long-acting mineral fertilizers - 1 hour
  • Expanded clay or crushed stone drainage layer.

It is necessary to pre-disinfect the substrate - In autumn, place the mixture on the balcony without heating for freezing. Many gardeners recommend immediately before planting to calcinate the soil in the oven or steamed in a water bath.

You can use a simple method of preparing the soil mixture: ordinary land from the garden and vermiculite, in a ratio of 1: 1. Vermiculite protects the soil from changes in air temperature, retains moisture and friability of the substrate, and neutralizes the increased acidity of the soil.

From seed

For an experienced florist, it is not difficult to grow seedlings from seeds. The lobelia variety Emperor Willy is distinguished by good germination - at least 85%. Seedlings are obtained even from a small number of seeds. With proper care, the seedlings are strong, resistant to fungal infections and pests. Such seedlings are well and quickly rooted in flower beds and flower beds.

But you should consider the features of seed germination:

  • seedlings grow slowly;
  • careful watering is required;
  • pick;
  • pinch.
Reference. You need to monitor the air temperature - as soon as the seeds germinate, the boxes with seedlings are put in a cooler place.

How to choose?

Seeds are not laid in the soil, are not sprinkled with earth, they simply scatter on the surface of the substrate. The structure of the seeds is very small - in 1 g contains up to 30 thousand seeds, so when sowing the difficulty lies precisely in their uniform distribution on the substrate.

For the convenience of the procedure, the seeds are mixed with sand, peat can be used. With this heavier mixture, the substrate is “salted”.

Seeds are also sown on a layer of snow, which is laid out in a thin layer on the ground in planting boxes.

In flower shops you can buy ready-made, pre-packaged granules or dragees. With proper planting, ready-made bushes sprout.

Landing procedure

Growing seedlings on their own is a simple, but lengthy process that requires daily care.

To grow strong seedlings, you should not keep them in the planting container for a long time - the roots grow quickly, they become cramped, the leaves may turn yellow, you need to dive seedlings in special cups or small pots in a timely manner.

In the sowing tank, it is necessary to make drainage holes for the breathability of the substrate so that there is no stagnation of moisture. Seedlings can get Black Leg fungus. Emperor Willy's lobelia landing pattern:

  1. The landing container is filled with a 5 cm pre-prepared soil mixture.
  2. The soil is compacted, moistened with a fine spray.
  3. 20-24 hours the substrate remains in the open air.
  4. Evenly distributed seeds on the surface of the soil.
  5. Boxes are covered with a glass cover or a dense transparent film.
  6. The temperature at the first stage of germination is 23–25 ° С.
  7. It is important daily ventilation of the greenhouse.
  8. Condensation from glass or film must be wiped off.
  9. The airing time of seedlings is gradually increasing - from 20 to 40 minutes per day.
  10. Within a week, seedlings sprout with thick stems.
  11. A month after sowing, the shelter is removed completely.
  12. The air temperature drops to 17 - 18 ° C - the boxes are rearranged in a cooler but brighter place.
  13. As soon as 3-4 leaves appear, seedlings dive into individual pots of 6-7 seedlings in each.
  14. The pick is carried out with a special spatula, it is important not to damage the fragile stems.
  15. It is important to save an earthen lump when transplanting, the flowers take root faster.
  16. In open ground, the seedlings dive in May or early June, when constant heat is established.
  17. When the seedlings reach 2.5 - 3 cm in height, pinching of the stems is necessary to form a dense bush.
  18. Pinching is carried out several times with an interval of 15 to 20 days.
Important! When transplanting to a flower bed, you must observe the distance between the bushes - at least 15 - 20 cm.

Water for irrigation should be soft, settled, it is recommended to add a fungicide solution to the water during the first watering for disinfection.

If you plant seeds initially in peat tablets, then a small fluffy bush grows in 1 tablet, which can then be divided into 4 bushes - a very quick and economical way.


Some types of lobelia, especially hybrid species, terry varieties, can be propagated by division or cuttings, especially since this flower is a perennial in its natural qualities - it requires updating and replanting in more spacious boxes.

For lobelia, Emperor Willy this method is usually not used, but some gardeners, in order to preserve the variety they like, transplant bushes in separate pots for the winter, and in the spring they are engaged in cuttings.

This method does not require much time, rooting is fast enough, the procedure itself is not difficult.

It is necessary to properly care for the flower in winter - fertilizers are applied every week, moderate watering, good lighting, room temperature - 18 - 20 ° C.

Which to choose?

Emperor Willy uses an adult bush to propagate lobelia., with developed and strong stems.

The bush by transshipment method in October - early November is transplanted into a pot.

Cuttings are cut in March. Shoots are cut with a length of 8 - 9 cm. It is necessary to treat the cuttings with any growth stimulator, you can use root.

Soil mix for cuttings:

  • Drainage base.
  • River sand - 1 hour
  • Fertile land - 1 hour.
  • Coconut fiber - 1 hour.
Recommendation. Sieve the substrate before planting for looseness and lightness.

Step-by-step instruction

Emperor Willy's Lobelia Cherenka Procedure:

  1. Cuttings are cut obliquely up to 8-9 cm.
  2. Saplings are lowered for 2 - 3 hours in a solution of a growth stimulator.
  3. Cuttings are planted in a pre-prepared substrate.
  4. Cover with a film or glass.
  5. Rooting takes place within a month.
  6. After 1, 5 months, rooted cuttings are transplanted to flower beds.

Rules for planting in open flower beds

To harden lobelia seedlings, Emperor Willy, seedlings are taken out to fresh air, increasing the time. The optimum temperature for hardening is 15 - 17 ° C. In mid-May, seedlings can be planted on open flower beds or in balcony boxes.

Rules for planting in open ground:

  1. Dig a plot of flower beds.
  2. Substrate components are introduced into the soil - sand, peat, drainage, granules of mineral fertilizer.
  3. Dig out landing holes at a distance of at least 15 - 20 cm.
  4. The substrate is abundantly moistened.
  5. In the hole, keeping an earthen lump, a bush of 6 seedlings is placed.
  6. The soil is slightly compacted.
Important! To create a dense continuous clearing, bushes are planted at a distance of 10 - 15 cm from each other, for the formation of a group flower arrangement - at least 20 - 25 cm.

Preparing for the Frost

On open ground, this thermophilic flower does not winter. To preserve the flower until spring, it should be transplanted into a regular pot, be sure to cut the stems, leaving 4 - 5 cm at the base.

Keep the bush in a cool, bright place, sufficiently moisturizing, do not allow the soil to dry out, the flower may die.



The temperature of seed germination is up to 22 - 24 ° С, for seedling growth, the temperature is reduced by 3 - 4 ° С. It can be planted in the ground in fresh air at 15 ° C. The temperature of the flower in the apartment is 18 - 20 ° С.


When growing seedlings, neat watering - only in a tray or with a syringe under the root, you can use a sprayer with a small nozzle. Adult bushes are watered under the root as the soil dries up - 3-4 times a week.


For lobelia, Emperor Willy will fit the western and eastern parts of the house or place in the apartment. This variety requires good lighting, but the flowers should be shaded from direct sunlight.


At the end of summer, pruning is required for the bushes - flowering leaves, the stems are exposed, they must be cut, leaving 4 - 5 cm at the base. Soon we can expect repeated flowering, which will last until the fall.

Top dressing

Emperor Willy fertilize the lobelia at least 2 times:

  • 10 to 14 days after planting, organic fertilizers are usually used to develop roots and stems.
  • Repeated feeding is carried out in June, before the onset of flowering, here any fertilizer for flowering plants is suitable.
Note! The composition of mineral fertilizers should include potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus.


For growing seedlings, you can use any plastic containers, wide vessels and pans. Pots, vases, decorative boxes, hanging flower pots, you should choose spacious, not very deep. At the bottom, drainage holes are required for accumulated water during irrigation.

Lobelia is a universal flower, it can be grown in the apartment all year round, can be planted in the garden, on open loggias and verandas, in the front gardens and flower beds.

Watch the video: HOUSEPLANT CARE TIPS FOR BEGINNERS + printable guide (October 2024).

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