Ideas for creating a living room interior 2018

Fashion penetrates all spheres of our life. Modern trends dictate to us the features of the choice of clothes and shoes, gastronomic preferences and cultural life. Fashion for music and theatrical performances, a choice of car and even pet pods. It is not surprising that such an important area of ​​our life as the design of our own homes is constantly subject to change. The fashion for stylistic directions and features of the arrangement of premises depends on many factors - the appearance of new finishing materials, progress in the field of household appliances and furniture production, a change in the architectural features of modern cities, the economic and demographic situation in the world and in a single country. If the fashion for clothes changes every season and at the same time new trends most often completely cross out previous motives (well-known brands need to sell as much of their products as possible), then the mainstream in interior design is a more constant value. After all, both designers and their customers are well aware that home design is not created for more than one year.
Any owner of an apartment or house takes seriously the issues of decorating premises, because a dwelling is not so much an expensive real estate object as a place where we can relax, restore strength, get a boost of vigor and strength, so necessary for a modern person. About what are the main motives for the design of modern rooms, we suggest you familiarize yourself with examples of creating design projects of living rooms, as the most popular and important rooms of any home.

The main trends of 2017 for the interior of the living room

If the thesis reflects modern trends in the field of interior design, then we get not so many provisions:

  • spacious and bright rooms with large windows are a priority, which is why in small-sized dwellings, experts increasingly recommend combining spaces to create multifunctional studios;
  • simple and concise decisions relate to everything - from the choice of finishing materials and furniture to decorating the room;
  • the space should not be overloaded with bulky furniture or an abundance of decorative elements - each piece of furniture carries a function and purpose;
  • the use of safe, environmentally friendly materials is not just welcomed, but is highly recommended by all experts - raw materials for decoration, furniture and accessories should not harm human health and the environment;
  • natural motifs are also welcomed in choosing a color palette - calm natural shades are perfect for creating a background, you can use deeper and brighter colors as an accent, but you need to do this in a dosing;
  • modern style involves a certain mixture of motives of various stylistic directions - partial integration allows not only to diversify the interior, but also to create a design that reflects the nature of the owners, their rhythm and way of life, taste preferences;
  • but the main trend of the modern style of 2018 can be safely called the creation of the most comfortable, but at the same time practical and democratic design projects, the price category of which is accessible to the majority of the population.

Materials for the living room of the new season

One of the trends of the coming season is the use of natural stone and its high-quality imitations. Even a stone picture can become a spectacular part of a modern interior. In the living room, stone is most often used as a metered decoration of the space around the fireplace (it doesn’t matter whether it is an active fireplace or just a fake). But one should not get carried away with stone-like decoration, especially within the premises of a modest area.

The method of using natural materials as raw materials for the production of wall and ceiling panels does not lose its popularity. Partial paneling made of wood (or its qualitative alternative) allows you to create a difficult atmosphere in the room, but to fill the living room interior with natural warmth. Of course, the color palette (wood species) will depend on the size and layout of the space - for spacious rooms you can choose deep chocolate tones, for small rooms it is better to stay on a light tree with a barely noticeable natural pattern.

You can also use wood for decorating ceilings. Wooden beams bring a touch of natural warmth and comfort to a rural home, even in the ultra-modern design of the living room. A bit of rusticity (the beams seem not to be processed using special tools) against the background of modern technology and furniture allow you to create an original image of the room.

The desire to surround yourself with home furnishings made from natural materials leads to the use of wood in non-standard variations. Not only partial surface finishing of the living room can delight the eye with a beautiful natural pattern. Often in modern design projects you can see the rustic use of wood - stands made of polished stumps, the base of a coffee table made of twisted branches, the use of various parts of the tree for lighting fixtures, mirror frames and other wall decorations.

Glass, as a material for the manufacture of interior items, takes pride of place in modern design projects. If we talk about the interior of the living room, then within the framework of this room for the rest of the whole family and receiving guests, glass can most often be seen as the material of the countertop (and sometimes the frame) of coffee tables and various supports. Due to its properties, glass fits perfectly into any color scheme of the room, contributing to the creation of a light and fresh image. Transparent pieces of furniture seem to dissolve in space and therefore are great for small living rooms.

Not only large windows in modern living rooms are sources of massive glass surfaces. Often interior doors (hinged or sliding) are made of frosted glass. Such constructions, on the one hand, allow part of the solar flux to penetrate into the rooms, but at the same time retain the effect of space intimacy. Glass doors are safe thanks to modern production technology (hardening and coating with a special film that prevents the formation of fragments) and at the same time look amazing.

Actual interior of the living room: form

It is most difficult to adhere to minimalist moods precisely when forming the interior of the living room. After all, any owner wants to see a common room for rest of the household and receiving guests, not only modern, but also cozy, comfortable, warm at home. And the motives of minimalism with a big stretch can be called "cozy." That is why modern style advocates for a mixture of stylistic trends that are subordinate to one goal - to create the most comfortable, convenient and unpretentious interior care with a favorable, relaxing atmosphere.

When forming the interior of the living room, which will be relevant for several years, the modern owner has three main pillars on which you can rely - light, color and shape. If we talk about form, as a way of expressing the concept of modern stylistics, then the main idea in this case is reflected in simplicity. A laconic version of furniture, its layout, the use of additional elements or accessories is always the best way to reflect comfort in simple things.

Upholstered furniture for the living room 2018 is a simple geometric solutions in an attractive and pleasant to the touch shell. The compact design of sofas and armchairs is very convenient and roomy, many are equipped with folding mechanisms that allow you to get an extra bed for one of the household or guests.

In the design of upholstered furniture for the living room there is nothing fanciful, screaming - only strict geometric shapes and a neutral color palette. Even if the relaxation area with a sofa and a pair of armchairs acts as a color accent, the very performance of the furniture can be called very restrained. Most often, for such sofas and armchairs, coffee (coffee) tables are chosen to match - square or rectangular (often with corners rounded for safety), without decor, with a concise design of the frame and countertops.

Using the same geometric shape and arrangement of objects in space, you can create the effect of orderliness and agreement of all elements of the interior. With the planning of large pieces of furniture, such as couches, armchairs or their alternatives (banquets, ottomans), it is easiest to maintain symmetry. In the combined spaces where the living room is adjacent to the dining room and kitchen, with the help of furniture, it is also possible to zone the room, visually outlining the boundaries of the leisure segment.

If we talk about storage systems for the living room of the coming season, then the memories of massive “walls” and other bulky variations of cabinets completely left the minds of all designers. Only lightweight shelving designs, and most often separately located open shelves at eye level or high chests of drawers of simple and concise shapes with facades without decor.

In the interiors of modern living rooms, as well as in design projects of kitchen spaces, one can increasingly find the use of open shelves as an alternative to hanging cabinets. In the living room, of course, there is no need to store as many household items as in the kitchen room, but storage systems are still needed. Open shelves help to create an easy image of space, not to burden it with facades of cabinets and even frame racks.

Living Room Design 2017: color

As already mentioned, all new trends in the design of residential spaces are associated with the use of natural shades. Calm, natural tones help create a peaceful atmosphere in which every household or guest at home will be comfortable. For the decoration of a modern living room, neutral, light shades are chosen, which serve as the ideal backdrop for any furniture and wall decor. In design projects of recent times, it was rarely possible to meet decoration using printed wallpapers. The maximum variety that new trends in the design of the living room allow is texture and the use of accent surfaces other than the main color.

Snow-white shades for wall decoration in the living room are a trend for all time. In small rooms with small windows, such a choice of colors can be the only right option. But with such a design, experts recommend using one bright but large accent - it can be a sofa or a large armchair, an original storage system or a designer coffee table, or maybe carpet. Our eyes need sources for focusing, in a snow-white room, their value can hardly be overestimated.

The beige palette will never go out of style. Calm warm colors help create cozy interiors, and for the design of the living room this aspect is one of the most important. In addition, in beige colors there is a whole range of shades that are easy to handle even for non-professionals. Such shades are great for modest sized rooms located on the north side of the building, where there is always not enough natural light.

Equally popular are contrasting combinations in the interior of the living room. In spacious and bright rooms (namely, such, according to experts, a modern living room should be), you can not only alternate light and dark surfaces, but also dilute them with impregnations neutral in color. The combination of white with dark chocolate looks harmonious, almost all shades of wenge are luxuriously in harmony with light tones.

The entire palette of shades of gray is relevant in the new season. The popularity of this color scheme is easily explained by the practicality, versatility and neutrality of color. Gray shades are really easy to combine with other colors - with bright colors to create an accent and showiness, with light colors to bring calm and tranquility to the interior. But almost all shades of gray belong to the cool color group - they need to be diluted with warm colors and the easiest way to do this is with wood surfaces and elements.

Modern style - a harmonious mix of ideas

If you want to be inspired by ideas for creating a modern living room design, then look at the design projects in the Scandinavian style. Many of the motives of the Nordic countries have been successfully integrated into the style of this and future season. Simplicity and conciseness coexist with comfort. The interior is simple but not boring. All furniture is practical, but at the same time comfortable and outwardly attractive, the decoration is simple, in neutral light colors. A lot of light and space, but there is no oppressive feeling of emptiness, which is often found in minimalist interiors.

Of course, in the modern style there are many trends of minimalism. The main idea of ​​stylistics is to achieve simplicity and comfort of the interior with a minimum number of objects. The modern and minimalist style are in solidarity in their desire to use natural materials and create a soothing atmosphere in which nothing irritates our eyes. But, unlike minimalism, the modern style allows the decoration of the room, so necessary for bringing coziness and comfort in terms of the emotional state of the person in the room. A picture or a mirror on the wall, a family photo on the table, carpet under your feet, comfortable sofa cushions and even a palm tree in the tub - all these elements are not necessary from the point of view of creating a functional interior, but are necessary to maintain the warmth of the home.

Loft style also influenced the formation of modern style. Designers and their customers like the contradictory combination of industrial motifs in the design of the living room with classic furniture designs and cutting-edge appliances. When brickwork, open communication systems and designer furniture or avant-garde lighting fixtures adjoin the same room, the interior is provided with a high level of originality.

There are classical motifs in modern stylistics. Most often, their manifestation is reflected in the design of furniture. Bent legs or high backs of armchairs, bends of armrests or decorative inserts (in the most modest version) give the modern interior a light touch of luxury. A barely noticeable fidelity to the traditions of the classical style is reflected in the maintenance of symmetry in the arrangement of furniture and related elements. If there is a fireplace in the living room (it doesn’t matter if it’s active or just an imitation of it), then the entire layout of the room is necessarily built around this coordinating center. A pair of armchairs with stand tables next to them or exactly the same floor lamps help create symmetrical compositions that bring not only orderliness, but also harmony to the image of the room.

Watch the video: 100 Living Room Curtain Decorating Ideas Interior Design Trends 2018 (October 2024).

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