Fashionable wallpaper 2018 on photo

Manufacturers of finishing materials tirelessly improve the performance of various options for creating finishes in modern rooms. New types of raw materials, improved properties, improved characteristics, a wide selection of options. But, no matter what the actual methods of creating decoration in the living room the manufacturers offer, wallpaper was and will remain the most popular option for decorating rooms with different functionalities. Modern wallpaper cloths have high technological properties, they can be used in rooms with high humidity, temperature extremes and a high risk of contamination, mechanical stress. Wallpaper can be washed and cleaned, even using household cleaning products. And there’s no need to talk about a wide range of color and texture solutions - the choice is so great that it’s just right to get lost in a store of finishing materials. In this publication, we would like to acquaint you with current ideas on creating decoration using wallpaper in a wide variety of rooms in a modern home - from the hallway to the bedroom.

The benefits of using wallpaper for decoration

It is not without reason that for many years wallpapers occupy the highest places in the top lists of topical finishing materials. Whatever options for creating a finish are offered to us by manufacturers, and wallpaper paintings have a sufficient number of advantages:

  • the widest choice of color palette, drawings, ornaments and various prints;
  • the ability to choose a textured surface;
  • simplicity of applying finishing material, the possibility of self-assembly even in the absence of experience;
  • with wallpaper you can quickly refresh the interior of the room or change its appearance completely;
  • highlighting the accent wall is not difficult, using a combination of wallpaper and other finishing materials you can create interesting, unique interiors;
  • high aesthetic qualities;
  • the ability to create finishes in rooms with a high level of pollution risk - wallpapers that can be washed and even cleaned;
  • modern paintings do not fade in the sun, are able to withstand temperature extremes and a fairly high humidity;
  • the possibility of using absolutely environmentally friendly materials (natural paintings, paper and cork wallpapers);
  • you can apply photo printing with any image to wallpaper to create a truly unique design;
  • with the help of wallpaper you can simulate various surfaces - from wood trim to brickwork;
  • a wide range of costs (the ability to find an option for any repair budget).

Choosing Wallpaper Material

The choice of wallpaper for a particular room is affected not only by the color palette chosen by the owners and the style of interior decoration, but also by many other factors. Given that the choice of wallpaper in modern stores is incredibly wide, you need to prepare for a trip for finishing material and weed out at least the wrong options. So, the following criteria will affect the choice of wallpaper for pasting a room:

  • the choice of technological properties of the paintings will depend on the functional purpose of the room and the characteristics of its microclimate (it is obvious that for the bedroom and hallway you need to purchase wallpapers with different characteristics, but universal options suitable for rooms with a wide variety of functional potential exist);
  • the size and shape of the room (in a small room it is not advisable to use canvases of a dark color or with a large print);
  • level of natural light - the number and size of window openings, the location of the room relative to the cardinal points (affects the choice of color palette);
  • the style of interior design and the selected color scheme, the presence of accent surfaces.

Wallpaper canvases are made of various materials and can significantly differ in their technological qualities. The most widespread among our compatriots are the following wallpaper designs:

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper similar in their properties - equally strong, wear-resistant, durable. Most often, vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis are purchased for gluing the walls of a wide variety of rooms. Such canvases can be produced both for painting and contain a picture or ornament. The rational ratio of price and quality encourages most Russians to prefer this particular type of wallpaper - the ability to clean the surfaces allows the use of linen in rooms with a difficult microclimate and the risk of contamination of walls (hallways, kitchen and dining rooms, corridors and even bathrooms).

Walls with vinyl wallpaper can be repainted up to 5 times, refreshing the finish or radically changing the image of the room. Even after many manipulations, surfaces do not lose their aesthetic qualities. Another advantage of vinyl and non-woven wallpapers is that they do not need to be glued - they only cover the walls. This approach provides maximum ease of installation. The risk of breaks in paintings or blurry patterns, damage to the texture of the material is virtually eliminated.

For decorating living rooms and bedrooms are often used. textile wallpaper. High environmental qualities and luxurious appearance compensate for the rather high cost of the material. But significant shortcomings in the form of the inability to clean the wall surfaces impose a certain ban on the use of textile fabrics in rooms with a high level of pollution risk. In classic interiors, you can often see velor, velvet wallpapers used to create an accent surface or to paste over all the walls of a room. To create a design in a modern style, cotton and linen canvases are more suitable, which become the embodiment of "comfortable minimalism".

Photowall-paper have not lost their popularity. Most often, canvas with photo printing is used to create an accent wall. The variety of themes and high image quality allows you to create a unique interior of a room of any stylistic direction. Photo printing can be applied to almost any material - the canvas can be textured, matte or glossy, have a protective film from moisture, dirt and mechanical damage.

You can also select all in a separate view metallic glitter wallpaper, on what basis they were not made. The luxury of golden, silver or copper shine can bring a touch of luxury to even the most trivial interior. Therefore, canvases with a metal pattern are used both to create an accent wall and to finish all the vertical surfaces of the room.

Paper wallpaper recently used less and less. Despite the excellent eco-friendly qualities and the ability to "breathe", paper canvases are not very popular. After all, they can not be used in rooms with high humidity or temperature extremes. Drawing on paper wallpaper quickly burns out, and the finish itself is rarely able to last more than 3 years without losing aesthetic properties. But the low cost of paper canvases allows you to create an updated or radically changed appearance of the room in a fairly short time and with minimal financial loss.

Actual ideas in creating the decoration of a modern room

The modern style of the decoration of the premises strives for simple and concise solutions. It is not surprising that most designers prefer a monophonic finish. Light neutral tones are ideal for small rooms with furniture accents. Darker, deeper shades will become a luxurious backdrop for rooms with a large area and a somewhat dramatic atmosphere. For those who are just taking their first steps in creating modern interiors, designers also recommend using monophonic decoration - universal color options that will harmoniously look in any space design.

The black and white print on the walls is not a new season's trend, but still relevant. The graphic, dynamic and often originality of this design of the walls allows you to create a not simply non-trivial design of the room, and to design a room with a truly unique character.

A large geometric print that has been popular for several seasons has not lost ground. Most often, a catchy contrasting pattern is used to design an accent surface. But in really spacious rooms, you can use wallpaper with a geometric print for decoration of all walls. In such a picture, only two contrasting tones or a whole palette of colors can be used.

Another trend is the dark accent wall. It can be either velvet or velor wallpaper in a dark color, or vinyl canvases with a slight metallic sheen. One thing is obvious - a similar design technique allows you to bring into the interior not only notes of drama, but also a touch of sophistication, elegance and luxury.

Equally popular with modern designers are wallpapers that mimic those or other surfaces. This may be the illusion of a concrete wall, wood panels or brickwork. Stone or wood, ceramic tiles or mosaics - any variant of imitation can be on your walls. The main thing is that such a technique should be used to create a harmonious image of the room.

Modern Wallpaper - Ideas for Use

The obvious use of wallpaper in creating modern interiors is the gluing of all the walls of a room. As a result, you can get not only a fairly reliable protection of surfaces from various factors, but also an attractive appearance of the room, an excellent background for furniture and decorative elements. With the help of wallpaper, you can quickly change the image of the room, highlight a particular area, emphasize a significant interior item or an entire ensemble.

The use of a design technique for creating an accent wall is most convenient with the use of wallpaper. In order to create a harmonious combination of accent and other walls in the room, you do not need to “reinvent the wheel” - ready-made solutions that are ideally matched in color, texture, pattern are sold in decoration materials stores. But if you feel the possibility and desire to make a choice on your own, then at your service is a rich selection of a wide variety of colors, prints and patterns. The main thing is that the result is consistent with your chosen concept of creating an interior, does not violate the harmony of the atmosphere of the room and helps create a comfortable atmosphere of the room.

You can not create an emphasis on the entire surface of the wall. In the bedroom, you can arrange a niche or a strip above the head of the bed, thereby highlighting the main piece of furniture. You can also focus on the dressing area or zoning in this way the workplace, dressing table. In the living room, using accent wallpaper, you can highlight the space around the fireplace, video zone. You can also create conditional zoning in a room combining several functional segments, drawing attention to one zone and distracting from unsuccessful or incorrect in terms of geometry sections of the room.

With the help of wallpaper, you can highlight with color or pattern the space inside the niches, in the depths of open shelves and shelving. You can also paste bright or simply contrasting wallpaper on the back wall of the cabinet with glass doors and not only diversify the color scheme of the room, but also give a “second life” to the old storage systems, family values.

Gluing the ceiling with light (almost always snow-white) wallpaper is a long tradition of Russian homeowners. This is an inexpensive and fairly quick way to create a reliable finish (provided that the surface has no flaws). But in modern design projects, experts recommend leaving stereotypes behind and allowing yourself brightness, contrast and even the diversity in the design of the ceiling. But it is necessary to take into account that for such experiments it is necessary to have a ceiling height in the room above average, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid the feeling of "arching" the arch on you.

The combination of wallpaper with other finishing materials has long and fairly successfully been used to create room design projects with a wide variety of purposes. In the hallways and corridors, you can often find a combination of wallpaper with wall panels. The upper part of the walls is pasted over with wallpaper, not subject to mechanical stress, humidity and other unpleasant factors. In bathrooms, laundries, kitchens and dining rooms, the so-called apron is most often formed - the surface with the highest level of risk of pollution, exposure to high temperatures and moisture. Such areas are faced with tiles or mosaics, wall panels, painted or coated with decorative plaster. The remaining surfaces can be decorated using wallpaper.

Watch the video: Photo wallpapers - stylish detail of a modern room. Inspiration Ideas 2018 (October 2024).

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