Weather in Israel in May - air and sea temperature

The weather in Israel in May is a gentle sun, a gentle fresh wind and the absence of rain. Due to its climatic conditions, the Holy Land is considered a great place for a beach holiday from late spring to October inclusive. The peak of the season occurs at the end of spring and the first month of autumn.

General information

Israel is an amazing country that is very popular with tourists. Tour groups and individual travelers come here to improve their health in one of the many resorts. A beach holiday is also popular - Israel is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean, Dead and Red Seas. Also in the country there is Lake Tiberias (or Sea of ​​Galilee), which is often called the Sea of ​​Galilee, because in ancient literary sources it was found under that name.

Beach vacations in Israel begin in the second half of spring and continue in the fall. The best weather is from April to early June and from September to October. At this time, the air warms up to comfortable + 26 ° C - + 30 ° C, and the sun does not shine too brightly.

In summer, the weather in Israel is so hot that even at sea you don’t feel comfortable, because the water warms up to + 30 ° C.

Weather in cities of Israel


Haifa resort is located on the Mediterranean coast, near the border with Lebanon. In May, it is somewhat cooler than in other cities in Israel. Daytime temperature in the first half of the month is + 24 ... + 25 ° C, and nighttime - + 17 ... + 19 ° C. In the second half of May, the thermometer rises to + 28 ... + 30 ° C during the day and + 19 ° C at night. The water temperature is + 22 ° C, so swimming in the sea is very comfortable.

The wind is weak (3.6 m / s), and the real air temperature in Israel in May does not differ from that which is felt. In May, Haifa has 27-28 sunny days, which guarantees a good vacation at sea and the opportunity to walk around the city a lot. Rain is not more than 1-2 days a month.

Since the temperature difference in this area is insignificant, there is no need to take warm clothes - sweaters or a cardigan will be enough.

Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv is located on the Mediterranean coast, and the swimming season here begins simultaneously with the Greek, Italian and Tunisian resorts.

Tourists massively begin to arrive here in May when the water warms up to + 21 ° C. At the beginning of the month, the thermometer in the daytime shows +26 ° C, and at night it can drop to + 17 ... + 19 ° C. At the end of the month - + 28 ... +30 ° C during the day and + 20 ... 24 ° C at night.

However, the weather in Israel in May is unpredictable, and there were cases when the thermometer rose to + 41 ° C during the day and fell to + 7 ° C at night.

If weather anomalies are excluded, then the classic May weather in Israel is the best suited for relaxing at sea. According to statistics, there are no rainy days in May, and 29 of 31 sunny days. The wind will also not overshadow the stay in the country, since its speed is 4.2 m / s, and this indicator is stable. By the way, thanks to the wind, the air temperature is felt at +23 - + 25 ° C, which allows you not only to swim, but also to go on excursions and visit all kinds of natural objects without discomfort.

Since in May a sharp change in weather and a strong temperature difference is possible, it is worth taking not only summer clothes (T-shirts, shorts, a bathing suit), but also spring and autumn: bring a windbreaker, jeans and a sweater with you.Find out RATES or book any accommodation using this form


Jerusalem and its surroundings are a popular holiday destination. The high season is from April to early June and from September to the end of October, when the weather is most comfortable for walking and swimming. The sea closest to Jerusalem is the Dead, located 80 km from the city.

The average air temperature during the day in early May is + 27 ° C (in the second half of the month + 30 ° C), and nighttime + 22 ° C. Unlike other resorts in Israel, the temperature difference is insignificant, which means that you do not need to take warm clothes with you.

The wind speed in Jerusalem in May reaches 5 m./s, which is slightly higher than in neighboring settlements. Thanks to this, the temperature is felt several degrees lower than it actually is. The number of rainy days is 2-3 per month. Sea water temperature - + 25 ° C.

May is a great month to visit Jerusalem: the sun does not bake much yet, so you can enjoy walks in the ancient city and its environs, as well as swim in the Dead Sea.
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Eilat is a resort located on the shores of the Red Sea, where you can sunbathe and swim almost all year round. Even in January, the water temperature does not fall below + 20 ° C, and the air warms up to + 15 ° C. The best time to relax in Eilat is from April to early June and from September to October.

The average temperature in May during the day is +32 ° C, which is significantly higher than in other resorts. At night, the thermometer drops to + 20 ° C. The wind is very light (3.2 m / s) and the temperature feels like higher. The water temperature in Israel in May during the daytime is + 23 ° C, so swimming in the sea is comfortable.

Unlike neighboring cities and resorts, you won’t be able to go on excursions and walk around Eilat a lot during the day, because such hot weather is not comfortable for most residents of the post-Soviet space, and you can easily get a sunstroke.

In Eilat there are no such temperature differences as in Tel Aviv, so it’s enough to take only summer clothes with you. Tourists who visited Israel in May, in their reviews, note that the weather in cities near the sea is stable.


May is one of the best months to visit Israel. It's not too hot, so you can easily go on excursions and walk around the city a lot. The warmest sea in May in the southern cities of Israel is in Jerusalem (Dead Sea) and Eilat (Red Sea), where the water temperature reaches +24 (+ 25 ° C). It is also not cold at resorts located in the northern part of the country (Mediterranean Sea): the water temperature in May is +21 (+ 22 ° C). The weather and sea temperature in Israel are stable in May, so do not worry.

Tel Aviv

If you want to combine a sightseeing vacation with a beach, it is better to come to Tel Aviv. Here you can not only swim, but also walk along the old streets of Jaffa (Old Town) and visit the modern quarters.

If the priority is sightseeing, then go to Jerusalem. Here visit the Wailing Wall, the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and other historical sights, which are annually visited by more than 4 million tourists from around the world. And if the main goal is a calm and measured vacation in a sea resort, then go to Eilat or Haifa.

The weather in Israel in May will please both lovers of beach vacations and those who prefer excursions.

Watch the video: The Hottest Temperatures Ever Recorded Anywhere on Earth (October 2024).

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