How to eat lemon, how much you can eat per day, why do you want a sour fruit? Recommendations for use

Probably there is no person who would not try lemon. These sour citrus fruits have won human love for a long time. They are especially popular in connection with the treatment of colds and flu. But not everyone knows how much and how to use lemon.

From the article you will learn about whether these citrus fruits have contraindications, what is the rate of lemon consumption per day and how to properly process the lemon before eating it.

What does the fruit taste like, how does it depend on the variety, why is it so sour?

Lemons are famous for their invigorating citrus aroma.. Their sour-tart taste is known to almost everyone.

The appearance of these fruits may differ from each other in shape, smoothness of the peel and size, but the lemon variety does not affect the taste.

It is practically the same for almost every variety, except for a species such as Meyer lemon, which has a sweet taste, due to the fact that it was bred by crossing with an orange.

It is believed that lemons are acidic due to the large amount of acids, because they are saturated with ascorbic, malic and galacturonic acids. And their sugar content is very low.

Eating: how to take citrus?

Most often, this healthy fruit is consumed fresh or survived, but few people know that frozen lemons are more healthy. When used in this form, the body receives up to ten times more vitamins. In this case, you can freeze both the whole lemon, and separately slices, zest or juice.

How much is permissible to use per day?

Despite the many beneficial properties of lemon, you should not get involved in it, especially if you have high stomach acidity. But even if you have everything normal, it is better to use from one to three lobules per day, otherwise hypervitaminosis may occur.

Of course, each organism is individual, and it will not be possible to accurately calculate the norm in grams. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor your own feelings and if you can eat whole fruit in a day without labor and consequences, then eat to health.

But it is important to remember that most fruits have contraindications.


Lemon is contraindicated:

  • people with a disease of the stomach, in particular with gastritis and ulcers;
  • people with blood pressure are also better off giving lemons;
  • children under two years old are better off not offering lemon.

Is it possible every day and what will happen if there is one whole daily?

Due to the fact that these citruses do not have cholesterol, the minimum amount of sugar, and at the same time a lot of vitamins, potassium, iron and a whole list of minerals, lemons can be eaten at least every day. Of course, observing the norm mentioned above.

The use of citrus positively contributes to the work of the digestive tract, and help the body flush out toxins. Therefore, the question of what will happen if you eat a whole fruit, you can answer this way: if you eat a lemon daily, then you will receive a daily intake of vitamin C, which is part of it.

Can I eat on an empty stomach or at night?

Can! If you drink water with fruit in the morning on an empty stomach, then it helps to wake up peppy and energized for the whole day. A glass of warm water with lemon gives a feeling of satiety, which is why it is so popular with various diets.

At night, you can also drink water with lemon, which contributes to the removal of excess water from the body. And if you combine lemon, honey and milk, you can quickly and firmly fall asleep all night.

What happens if you eat too much?

There is no exact data describing what can happen if you eat a lot of lemon. But in any case, one must be more restrained in its use, since acid can adversely affect both the stomach, causing heartburn, and tooth enamel. Also, if you notice that you have frequent headaches, abdominal pain or constipation, you should stop using lemons, at least for three weeks.

How to drink water with citrus, is it necessary to brew it or not?

It is recommended to drink warm water by adding two tablespoons of lemon juice to a glass of water. And be sure to brush your teeth after that, as citric acid destroys enamel.

Also, many people like tea with lemon, but not everyone knows that its properties disappear in boiling water. Therefore, it is better to put lemon in warm, rather than hot tea, or eat a bit of sugar, you can even sprinkle with sugar.

Does this fruit need to be processed before use?

Like any fruit lemon must be processed before you decide to eat it. Since the peel of this fruit is rough, microbes from its surface are not easy to wash off. If this is not done, then when it is cut, the microbes from the peel will fall on the flesh. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the lemon thoroughly, while using water with vinegar or laundry soap.

If you plan to use the peel, then it is additionally necessary to clean the lemon from the wax with which they are coated so that they are better preserved.

Why do you want to constantly, what is missing in the body?

Our body always signals us its needs through suddenly arising desires. If you suddenly want a lemon, then you may have a lack of energy or a depressed state, as well as vitamin deficiency, and vitamin C can help you cope with these situations. But there may be more serious reasons when you want to constantly eat something sour. In this case, you may have liver and gall bladder problems. In this case, for treatment, of course, you should consult a doctor.

Lemon - a healthy fruit granted to us by nature. It enriches the taste of dishes prepared by us, bestows beauty and health. Excessive use of lemon can bring harm, but this can be said about absolutely any fruit.

Watch the video: Why Are Lemons Sour? SCIENCE MYSTERIES REVEALED (October 2024).

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