Beauty Rose Limbo. Description of the flower and its photo, features of care and growing

Rose Limbo - refers to the tea-hybrid varieties. This rare variety of roses has an unusual color of petals - most often it is yellow-green. By color, this shade is called lemon.

The people of Limbo rose nicknamed the "dollar." The variety stands out from a number of other highly resistant to diseases.

In this article you will find a description of the flower and its photo. Also, the article describes in detail the features of plant care, methods of its propagation and cultivation at home.

Detailed description

Variety Limbo refers to tea-hybrid varieties.

Limbos rose bush is relatively compact:

  • width - about 60 cm;
  • height is between 80-100 cm.

There are practically no thorns on the branches of the bush. The branches themselves stretch upward, forming a conical bush. In the first years of growth, it usually forms 2-3 main branches, thereby forming a columnar bush. The foliage on the bush is dark green and glossy. Flowers of unusual yellow-green color.

Limbo rose pros:

  • long flowering;
  • flowers are resistant to heat and the first cold;
  • Limbo rose buds are rain resistant;
  • unpretentiousness of the bush to care;
  • resistance to most diseases, as well as to fungi.

Among the disadvantages of the plant, it can be distinguished that it needs shelter for the winter, although it belongs to frost-resistant varieties.

The unusual coloring makes the rose not a very good companion for other varieties. That is, you need to carefully select the plants with which the planting of the rose is planned, so that it looks advantageous.


Below you will see a photo of this rose:

History of occurrence

The first roses, which appeared a greenish tint in the coloring of the petals, were bred in France. Such unusual varieties appeared in the last century. But the Limbo tea-hybrid rose variety was bred relatively recently.

In 1999, in Germany, breeder W. Cordes managed to achieve a stable greenish color of petals with a scalloped edge.

What is the difference from the rest of the species?

The main distinguishing feature of the Limbo tea hybrid rose from the overwhelming majority of the other varieties of roses is its color. The most unusual shade that may be inherent in a flower is green. Breeders have long worked to obtain such a result - and this variety one of the brightest representatives of green varieties of roses.


The Limbo rose bud is dense, terry, containing about 50 petals. On the edge of the petals have a slight undulation - scalloped. The bud itself is cup-shaped. In diameter, it can reach 11 cm. The color of the bud and the opened flower is very original. It ranges from greenish to yellowish.

Moreover, the greenish tint is more clearly manifested at the stage of the bud and when the flower blossoms in shady conditions. In the sun, as a rule, it acquires a saturated color of ghee with light greens at the edges. After the flower is fully revealed, black stamens become visible.

The first flowering occurs in the month of June and continues with a short break until October. Flowering at the bush is quite plentiful. Flowers are stable and last long in blooming state (do not fade for a long time). Such flower stability is observed under hot conditions, and during the onset of autumn.

Flowering occurs in two phases. Has a slight light, pleasant aroma with acidity. The specificity of the Limbo variety is that the flowers last extremely long, but do not sprinkle themselves, or sprinkle poorly. Therefore, to maintain an attractive appearance of the bush, it is necessary to pick off the blooming buds.

If suddenly the rose bush ceased to bloom, then one of the possible reasons must be eliminated:

  • insufficient soil fertility;
  • bush running wild;
  • the need for proper care during the winter for the bush;
  • rose bush may require pruning, that is, it must be rejuvenated.

Use in landscape design

Nature did not provide for green shades on the flowers. Therefore, this unnaturalness, which at the same time makes the rose unusual and attractive, requires careful selection of companions to Limbo variety. So that it is not drowned out by other bright beauties, it should not be combined with other roses. It is better to pick out certain conifers, such as thuja. In the southern regions, the rose goes well with cypresses and junipers..

If you still want to plant a Limbo rose next to other varieties, then it is best to choose the types of roses with a bluish color.

This combination is harmonious and will serve as a real decoration of any garden. Yellow-lettuce roses will harmoniously combine with irises, lilies, geyhera, cuffs, veronics.

Step-by-step care instructions

When caring for this rose variety, a number of factors should be considered:

  1. Choosing a landing place. Choosing a place for planting, it is necessary to take into account that this bush needs a well-lit area on which drafts should be excluded. Rosa Limbaugh does not tolerate gusts of wind.
  2. Landing time. The best time period for planting seedlings is spring. So the best rooting will happen. To get a good, strong, healthy flowering bush - you should buy material for planting in specialized nurseries. This virtually eliminates the purchase of a seedling that is already infected with fungi or other diseases. Despite the fact that the planting is carried out in the spring, the preparation of the site for the bush should begin in advance - in the fall.
  3. Soil preparation. In autumn, humus and dung should be added to the area where the rose bush is planned to be planted. During the period of autumn and winter, these substances will dissolve in the soil, enriching it with all the necessary nutrients.
  4. Landing. In order to plant a rose bush, dig a hole about 0.5 meters deep. When digging a hole, you need to take into account that moment so that the roots are spread evenly along the bottom of the hole, they should not be chained.

    At the bottom there must be a drainage layer that will protect the rose from waterlogging, which can lead to rotting of the root system.

    Drainage is carried out using gravel, small stones, gravel. Then the pit is neatly filled up, slightly tamped and watered abundantly. Another method of planting can also be carried out - in specialized containers. In this case, the volume of the container used must fully and freely accommodate the entire root system of the bush. It is necessary to install the container in the prepared pit and sprinkle it with earth, compact and pour plenty of water.

  5. Temperature. The optimum temperature for planting rose seedlings is a mark of + 10 ° C. But it is worth considering that this indicator should already be stabilized. The soil should completely move away from winter frosts.
  6. Watering. If the bush is not provided with the proper level of watering, this will entail a sluggish flowering, with the formation of small-sized buds. But excessive watering can also damage the bush. You just need to make sure that the soil is not wet all the time, but also to prevent drying out. It takes into account the fact that young bushes require more watering, compared with old ones.
  7. Top dressing. It is advisable to fertilize the bush with mineral fertilizers every two weeks. Optimum alternation of organic and complex fertilizers.
  8. Weeding. Each watering should end with loosening of the surface soil layer. This provides oxygen access to the root system. In addition, it is necessary to clean the soil around the flower of weeds, which not only take nutrients, but also spread the disease. To avoid weed germination and protection from powdery mildew and aphids, mulch the soil around the bush.
  9. Pruning. In the fall, it is imperative to trim the bush. This will allow him to rejuvenate, which will contribute to the lush flowering and overall health of the bush. During pruning, dry branches should be removed. You should also give the bush the desired shape.
  10. Preparation for winter. In winter, Limbo bush should be covered, despite the fact that it is frost-resistant. The bush is sprinkled with mulch. And then sheltered by any covering material. This will keep the bush healthy.

Step-by-step instructions on how to propagate

The main methods of reproduction:

  1. Bush division. Suitable for those who already have a bush of this variety. It just needs to be divided - a small part with a good rhizome is separated from the main bush. Landing is carried out immediately after division.
  2. Seedsthat can be purchased at a specialty store are sown in April.
  3. Using cuttingsthat are obtained from cut branches of a plant. The cutle should be about 15 cm long and have several buds.

Diseases and Pests

The most dangerous pests for Limbo:

  • caterpillars
  • sawflies;
  • leaflets.

They can noticeably harm the plant by slowing its growth. Therefore, it is necessary to timely identify them and to combat them. You can remove them manually, or you can use pesticides.


  • rust;
  • powdery mildew;
  • black spotting.

In order to get rid of these diseases should be trimmed bush. It is necessary to remove all affected shoots and branches. It should be processed with a solution of copper sulfate. This rose will be able to please its unusual appearance. In addition, it is quite resistant to diseases and pests. He tolerates the winter quite well. The only significant drawback can be considered the slow development of seedlings and the demandingness of the bush for the accuracy of pruning.

Watch the video: How to Grow Lemon In pot. भरपर नब कस पय (October 2024).

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