A bizarre cactus is an ariocarpus. Description, its types and varieties, features of home and outdoor care

Ariocarpus belongs to cacti, surprisingly beautiful and charming plants.

Contrary to popular belief, ariocarpuses are not picky, and even a novice cactus grower can cope with their departure.

In this article you will find a botanical description of this plant, the history of its occurrence, the characteristics of growing at home and in the open ground.

In addition, you will find out whether such a cactus blooms and in what conditions, as well as what to do if the plant does not bloom.

Botanical description of a houseplant

Ariocarpus is a genus of succulents from the Cactus family. This genus has 6 (according to other sources, 8) plant species. Has white fruits, with a greenish or reddish tint. The seeds are small. In its homeland - in the south of North America - the ariocarpus has the name "chautl". Due to its exotic appearance some call the ariocarpus a "living stone".

The Latin name for the genus is "Ariocarpus". Ariocarpus can grow up to 12 centimeters. The surface is covered with papillae with areoles placed on them. Spines are underdeveloped. The shoots are oblate in shape, have a gray or brown color. The flowers of the plant are bell-shaped; can be yellow, red and white (we talked about other types of cacti with red thorns and flowers here). In diameter can reach 5 centimeters.

History of occurrence and geography of habitat

The ariocarpus was first noticed and described in 1838 by the Belgian botanist Michel Scheidweiler. In the 20s of the 20th century, this genus was studied by the German botanist Alvin Berger. In vivo, ariocarpus grows in Texas (USA) and several Mexican states. In nature, cacti of this genus are found on rocks and rocky soil..

What is the difference from other cacti?

Ariocarpus is not quite a cactus in the usual sense of the word: it does not have thorns (to learn more about what other types of cactus are without thorns, see this article).

Popular types and varieties of ariocarpus

Cracked (Fissuratus)

This species has no lateral grooves on the tubercles. In shape, the plant is more hemispherical than flat. The shoot is dense and resembles a stone. The flower is purple or pink.

Agave (Agavoides)

The diameter of the cactus is about 8 centimeters. Large pink flowers mainly grow on the crown of the plant from dark green areoles (more about exotic cacti with pink thorns or flowers we described in a separate article). Fruits are elongated, red or purple. The stem is smooth. The papillae are thick and flattened.

Kochubey or Kotzebue (Kotschoubeyanus)

In height, it can reach from 2 to 12 centimeters. This species is very compact, its outlet in diameter is not more than 5 centimeters. Flat tubercles are located in the form of tiles and decorated with stripes. The central grooves are covered with white pile. The flowers are small, pink in color and funnel-shaped.

Dull (Retusus)

This species is the oldest known ariocarpus. The main difference from the brothers is the split areoles. In diameter, it can reach 10 centimeters. A white thick pile grows on top. In the axils between the tubercles, pale pink flowers of a funnel-shaped form grow.

Dull Triangular or Retusus Trigonus (Retusus ssp. Trigonus)

Can reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter. The stem is covered with pyramidal pointed tubercles of dark green color, the length of which is about 3 centimeters. A thick fluff grows in the sinuses of the tubercles. The flowers are yellow, up to 5 centimeters in diameter.

Pinnate (Scapharostrus)

This species is one of the rarest. The stem reaches 9 centimeters in diameter, in shape - flat-spherical. The papillae are keeled and arranged freely and sparsely. The flowers are lilac in diameter - up to 4 centimeters.

How to care at home?

  • Temperature. In the warm season there is no particular need to monitor the temperature, since the ariocarpus is not very demanding on it.
  • Watering. It is necessary to water an ariocarpus very sparingly, only when the earthen lump is completely dry.

    Water should fall on the ground, not escape. Otherwise, rot may occur.

  • Shine. Ariocarpus loves bright diffused light. A good option would be places on the sunniest windows. The optimal length of daylight is about 12 hours.
  • Priming. The soil is needed with good breathability, sandy. The composition may be as follows: coarse sand, charcoal, fine expanded clay and a little clay earth. Around the root neck of the plant you can pour gravel with charcoal: this will protect the cactus from decay.
  • Pruning. Cut the plant only if one of the shoots has rotted.
  • Top dressing. Fertilize the plant a couple of times a year, mainly during the growth period.
  • Pot. A clay pot works well. When transplanting, it is better to choose a small and deep container.
  • Transfer. It is necessary to transplant once every couple of years.

    1. It is necessary to wait time to allow the soil to dry.
    2. A cactus is transplanted with an earthen lump.
    3. Then they sprinkle with soil and ram.
    4. Then the plant is watered, after shrinkage of the soil, more earth and a layer of drainage are added.
  • Wintering. In winter, the air temperature should be about 12-15 degrees. No watering required.

    In the winter season, it should not be allowed that the temperature drops below 8 degrees. This will lead to the death of the cactus.

Features of outdoor care

According to studies (based mainly on data from Canadian cactus growers), the ariocarpus can withstand cold up to -12 degrees.

Cactus should not be exposed on the eve of winter. Better to do it in the spring.

In winter, the main role in protecting plants from freezing is played by the cover of snow. Problems can occur in March-April, when the snow melts during the day and freezes occur at night. Therefore, in the afternoon, the plant must be additionally sprinkled with snow. Based on the European experience of growing cacti in open ground, you should pay attention to the following problems: lack of sun, summer heat and a large amount of rainfall.

This can be solved with the help of a specially made slide on which cacti should be grown. The slide should have good drainage, it should be inclined to the south. If the pebbles on its surface are black or red, then this will help to quickly heat the soil and the surface layer of air. And, of course, the plant must be protected from the winds. It is not recommended to leave young plants for wintering in open ground. If the plant is grafted, then the frost resistance of the stock should be equal to the frost resistance of the scion.

Propagation by vaccination and seeds

Seed propagation is a long process.taking an average of two years.

  1. Seeds are sown in sandy soil.
  2. The soil must be constantly moistened. The temperature is kept about 20 degrees.
  3. At 4 months, seedlings are dived and placed in a greenhouse.
  4. After a year and a half, the ariocarpus can be gradually accustomed to home conditions.

The vaccination method also lasts about two years. Grafting is recommended for permanent stock (usually another cactus, for example, erzocereus usberti or myrtle cactus).

  1. The grafting material is cut with a dry, sharp blade.
  2. The material is grafted onto echinopsis; when its diameter reaches 10-15 mm, it is re-grafted onto a stump of usberti eriocereus.
  3. About two years keep the plant in greenhouse conditions.


Ariocarpus bloom is short-lived: it lasts about a week. It takes place in September and early October. Depending on the type, the color of the flowers may be different: white, pink, yellow or red. Flowers open only during the day. In their place there are fleshy smooth fruits. At home, it is very difficult to achieve flowering. Most species of this cactus blooms at the age of 5-6 years.

What to do if it does not bloom?

As the experience of plant growers shows, if the ariocarpus does not bloom, then it may be that it is being miscarried. In other cases, you should wait until the plants mature, but sometimes very young plants, about a year old, can bloom.

Briefly about diseases and pests

Ariocarpus has good resistance to pests and diseases and can even restore its stem after damage.

A serious problem for him can be only excess water, causing rot.

Similar plants

  • The same beautiful flower as the ariocarpus, at its head has an Alonsi turbinicarpus (for details on varieties, types and cultivation of the turbinicarpus read here).
  • Lithops has the same nickname as Ariocarpus, the “living stone."
  • Echinocereus is covered with beautiful decorative spines, and its flowers do not fade for many days. And the small Echinocereus Knippel generally does not have thorns, like an ariocarpus (you can see the description and features of growing all types of echinocereus here).
  • Mamillaria is surprisingly beautiful: its spines are located with mathematical precision. With an ariocarpus, a white fluff contrasts it with dark skin.

Ariocarpus rarely bloom, but this process will be a worthy decoration of the house. And proper care and atmosphere will accelerate the onset of this period.

Watch the video: Trichocereus Bridgesii The Penis Cactus" (October 2024).

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