Description and photos of violets "Forest Magic", "Your Majesty", "Coquette", "Jupiter" and others

Uzambara violet, a symbol of spring and tenderness, very quickly won the hearts of flower growers. Already in the 19th century, societies of lovers of senpolis began to appear, and collectors began to work on the development of new varieties.

A significant place in the selection of senpolis is occupied by the achievements of domestic specialists. From the article you will learn how the varieties of violets of these breeders look, what are their distinguishing features.

Briefly about breeders

The names of Boris Mikhailovich and Tatyana Nikolaevna Makuni are known to all lovers of violets. Starting in 1962, the activity of breeding senpolii, Makuni in a relatively short time managed to get magnificent hybrids with a variety of colors and original flower shapes. The first domestic terry senpolia "Natalie" was bred by the spouses Makuni.

REFERENCE. In 1995, at the Seattle exhibition, the violets of Maconey's selection were so popular that the Russian Superstar sign was displayed next to them.

Each grade obtained has a unique name.. Spouses loved to give their works names in which any meaning was invested. Some senpolis received names related to family stories, such as "Plaque-fly", "I will not give anyone!", "In memory of Tanya Makuni." About 300 varieties of senpolias bred by Makuni are known, many of which are awarded with awards of domestic and foreign exhibitions.

In their work, breeders masterfully used the dominant traits in seed propagation. Spouses Makuni not only engaged in breeding, but also kept detailed records of their work. This allowed them to identify promising directions and cut off dead-end crossing lines. Breeders published printed works describing new varieties, propagating and caring for violets.

For example, in one of the articles, the authors proposed options for soil mixtures for senpoliatested by them in practice. The book of Makuni and Klevensky "Saintpolia", which includes a description of botanical research and practical tips on growing and caring for plants, is now one of the most respected publications in this area.

Experts note that Boris Mikhailovich and Tatyana Nikolaevna laid the foundations of the Russian selection school of Uzambara violets.

In 2005, at the exhibition dedicated to the 75th anniversary of B.M. Makuni, a prize was named after him for the best domestic breeders.

Popular varieties with photos

Many varieties of Makuni breeding have become popular among lovers of violetsbut many connoisseurs consider the winter smiling brand to be a visiting card of the couple. This Saintpaulia has white double flowers with a pinkish tinge, along the edges of the petals a tender fringe of a light green color similar to hoarfrost. “Winter” is still considered one of the best achievements of domestic selection and continues to receive awards at exhibitions. The flower propagates well by cuttings, usually there are no problems in growing.

Important! If some varieties of Makuni selection are replaced today with interesting modern options, then “Winter smiles” remains a unique, unparalleled variety.

One can distinguish several conditional series of Maconey selection.

  • In the "pink" series, one can note the "Pink Sun", which is distinguished by high peduncles and flowers up to 6 cm. "Pink Light" and "Pink Salute" comprise a gamut of various shades of pink.
  • In the "dark" series, burgundy and violet varieties are presented, of which the "Dark Prince", "Panther", "Graceful Stranger" and "Goblin" are the most popular.
  • In the "lilac" series, the Blue Treasure, Solveig Song, Lilac Excitement and Chic Lilac are among the best.
  • In the "white" series, the most common varieties "Snow-white Irishka" (another name - "Irina the blonde"), "In memory of Academician Vavilov", "Tatyana's Day", "Vologda Lace" can be distinguished. The legendary "White-winged Gull" has snow-white stars with bright raspberry border.

Below are descriptions and photos of some popular varieties of Makuni selection (“Your Majesty” and others).

"Forest magic"

This elegant violet has dark green leaves and terry bright pink-raspberry flowers. Along the edge of the petals, you can observe light green or green fringe.. Outlet size is standard.

In the book "Senpolis" B.M. Makuni and T.M. Klevenskaya is recommended to pay special attention to "Forest magic" when growing it from leafy cuttings. If the leaves are rooted, it is recommended to do this in the greenhouse. A number of lovers of violets note difficulties in forming a rosette and slow flower growth.

"Your Majesty"

Simple light green leaves combine with a luxurious pink terry star. The flower petals have wavy edges. The outlet is large, but neat, well formed. Often this variety blooms with a wreath, and not with a hat due to divergent peduncles.

"Your Majesty" is considered one of the best varieties of Macuni selection. and has long become a classic. Collectors note abundant and prolonged flowering of violets, relatively simple care, which makes "Your Majesty" a suitable plant for beginners who love violets.

Interestingly, with a cool temperature regime on the edges of the flowers, a shallow lime green border is visible. A disadvantage of the variety is weak peduncles, which can not always withstand a lush large mass of flowers.


The “Coquette” has a rosette of bright green leaves, decorated with terry white and pink flowers with lime frill. Large flowers gather in clusters. In appearance, “Coquette” is similar to “Your Majesty”, but has a more compact outlet.

“Coquette” blooms profusely and for a long time. The flowers open slowly, but last up to 6 weeks. The plant is calmly related to temperature changesbut negatively reacts to excessively plentiful watering.


This variety may also be called "Lord". A dark green rosette is crowned with large terry pink flowers with fringe along the edges. Jupiter flowers can grow up to 8 centimeters.

"Jupiter" is quite capricious in growing, so he is an infrequent guest in the collections. When growing plants, increased attention is required to thermal, air and water conditions. After selecting the optimal conditions, it is desirable to maintain them constantly, because The pink giant does not like changes in temperature or humidity.

Distinctive features

Most varieties bred by the Maconey spouses are compact rosettes, plentiful flowering and endurance. Fans of Makunin selection note the amazing proportionality of the size of the outlet and colors. Most violets have beautiful terry large inflorescences.

Advice! However, one must know the features of the existing varieties and, before the signs of degeneration are manifested, send the leaves for rooting.


Prolonged flowering, ease of courtship, the existence of a large number of varieties with flowers and leaves of various shapes and colors made Uzambara violet one of the most popular indoor plants. Modern selection gives interesting new varieties of violets.

However, despite the fact that Makuninsky varieties are currently classified as retro, they are still popular and loved among collectors. Both beginner growers and experienced professionals will find varieties suitable for them among the Macuni heritage.


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