How to salt throttles at home

Volnushki are included in the category of conditionally edible mushrooms. In some countries of the world they are not consumed, but not in Russia. We have many fans of quiet hunting love to salt thrills at home for the winter.

Practice shows that it is impossible to eat everything that Mother Nature has awarded the mushroom pickers for the season. Therefore, caring hostesses think about salting butter, chanterelles, mushrooms and mushrooms, so that with the onset of the autumn-winter season to please the family with the taste of a fragrant delicacy.

Many store blanks in the freezer, but the delicacy of the can exceeds the frozen product to taste many times. The secret of canning salts lies in the use of a mixture consisting of salt and spices. The result is a tasty and healthy dish.

Threesomes have a characteristic feature - in a cut form, they secrete white juice, which has a bitter taste. Elimination of the deficiency boils down to the proper preparation of the marinade.

After salting, the crabs change color. If fresh they are white or pink, after contact with salt and other ingredients become grayish. But there is no reason for panic, because the color change does not affect the taste.

Below we consider the most delicious and popular salting recipes. Be sure to take note of them if you want to pamper your household or surprise guests with a previously unknown delicacy.

Classic Salting Recipe

Consideration of recipes for salting crackers at home will start with the "classics". The fact is that the classic cooking technology helps the hostess gain experience and paves the way for further research and experiments.

  • Volnushki - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Citric acid - 2 grams.
  • Salt - 50 grams.
  • Seasonings and spices to taste.
  1. After cleaning and washing the traps, soak in salt water. Add citric acid there. Prepare a deep container in which you will salt or pickle. An enameled basin or a wooden barrel is suitable.
  2. After draining the water, put the mushrooms in the dishes with their heads down. Do everything in layers, do not forget to sprinkle with salt and spices. Having laid out all the ingredients, put a load on top to crush well.
  3. Leave for 2 days in a cool place. Mushrooms start up juice and decrease in volume. If you have collected more waves, add to the rest, pouring salt.
  4. Having done all this, leave it in a cool place for 1-2 months until ready.
Video recipe

As you can see, salt pickling according to the classic recipe is very easy and simple. Such mushrooms can be used as a snack or ingredient for the preparation of any other dish. I advise you to use them as a filling for pancakes in milk.

How to salt trevushki for the winter in banks

Pink pickles are best suited for salting, which are pickled, canned and salted in a hot or cold way. I suggest considering the last 2 ways of harvesting so that you pick the best option.

Cold way

The cold way is time consuming, but the result is worth it. Since the products are not subjected to heat treatment, the maximum amount of nutrients is preserved. And this is good, because the waves excite blood vessels and normalize the functioning of the heart.

  • Volnushki - 1 kg.
  • Horseradish leaves.
  • Cherry Leaves
  • Currant leaves.
  • Bay leaves and peppercorns.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  1. Peel and wash the mushrooms. For this method of salting, it is better to select young traps of the same size. Separate the hat from the legs and soak in water for 2 days to get rid of bitterness. Change the water periodically.
  2. Drain and start salting. Take a capacious basin or bucket. At the bottom, put leaflets of horseradish, cherry, currant. Send there laurel, pepper peas.
  3. Lay the waves in layers, not forgetting to salt. Be sure to use only rock salt, because iodized or sea salt will lead to fermentation, which will preserve the shelf life of canned food.
  4. Having laid the last layer, cover with a saucer and press down with a load. On the second day, the thrills start up the juice. Leave for a week, then shift into jars and roll up the lids.
Video cooking

Salty thrills are a great dish. Add chopped onion and vegetable oil to them and serve. The best snacks for alcoholic drinks simply can not be found.

Hot way

One of the disadvantages of the cold method of salting is considered to be a long cooking time. Therefore, if you want to quickly get salty mushrooms, use the hot cooking technology.

  • Volnushki - 1 kg.
  • Dill - 2 umbrellas.
  • Blackcurrant - 10 leaves.
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves.
  • Rock salt - 3 tablespoons.
  • Bay leaf, cloves, allspice and black pepper peas.
  1. Mushrooms of different sizes are suitable for salting, which need to be cleaned and inspected for the presence of worms. Since traps are fragile, like russula, do it carefully.
  2. Separate the caps from the legs. Cut very large hats into 4 parts, medium ones into 2 parts, and leave the small ones as a whole.
  3. Wash the workpiece well and soak in ice water for 48 hours to get rid of bitterness. The main thing is that the waves are completely covered by water. Do not forget to change the water 3 times a day, putting it in a cold place so as not to acidify.
  4. Drain and place the mushrooms on a fire in salted water. Stir and froth regularly. Cook for 20 minutes, and then use a colander to drain the water.
  5. Proceed to salting. At the bottom of the prepared container, lay the leaves of currant, dill and cloves with pepper. Then the mushroom layer is 5-8 cm thick. Top with salt and chopped garlic clove. In the future, lay out everything in layers: currant leaves, dill, cloves, mushrooms. Salt each layer, add garlic.
  6. Put the pickles in a cold place for 48 hours. As a result, a brine will appear, and the traps will decrease in volume. Put them in jars, covered with currant leaves, roll them up with lids.

A hot cooking method is considered the most common among housewives. Canned mushrooms are stored for a long time in a cool place. So even at the end of the winter season, a wonderful delicacy will appear on the table. I also advise you to try the salted breast recipes. They are also good.

Useful tips before cooking

Real mushroom-eaters know that the final result largely depends on the proper preparation of mushrooms before salting. Therefore, I will share secrets that will help to prepare excellent pickles for the winter.

  1. Separate white from pink waves, it is customary to salt or preserve them separately. Choose leaves and dirt carefully. Cut the leg, leaving a stump half a centimeter.
  2. After going through the waves, soak them for two to three hours in water so that the fine dirt is removed from the cap. Then with a brush, clean thoroughly, rinsing in clean water.
  3. Pour the peeled mushrooms with water and leave for 2 days. This technique will help get rid of the bitter taste and make the fragile body more dense. Be sure to change the water three times a day.
  4. The flakes should be completely immersed in the liquid. Therefore, be sure to put a plate on top and press down with a load. After two days, drain the water and rinse the mushrooms well.

Thanks to these simple tips, you can easily get at your disposal raw materials for preparing the final dish. Be sure to go through the preparatory stage, and then proceed to salting the mushrooms in any of the ways described above. This is the secret of incredible taste.

Watch the video: Real Salt Lake throttles Philadelphia 4-0 (October 2024).

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