How to lower cholesterol at home

Cholesterol is an important substance for the life of the body that is present in cell membranes. But with an increase in the maximum permissible concentration, it can be hazardous to health, since with age, its particles settle more and more on the vessels, and then crystallize, forming plaques. These formations reduce the lumen of blood vessels, and the blood supply to vital organs deteriorates, which leads to a number of diseases. To prevent the formation of plaques, measures should be taken to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood.

Preparation and Precautions

Before you begin to engage in reducing the level of fatty alcohol, you should carefully think about why it in the process of life became higher than normal, namely:

  • analyze the quality of food;
  • assess the level of physical activity;
  • determine the presence of bad habits.

To begin with, you should think about a diet, only with its help you can achieve a positive result, and taking medications is a secondary effect. It is important to positively tune in and prepare the body for treatment, which may be slow.

Precautionary measures:

  • do not lose weight dramatically;
  • introduce healthy foods into the diet;
  • gradually give up bad habits.

If a decision has been made to lower blood cholesterol at home, it is recommended that you initially pass the biomaterial for analysis and consult with a specialist.

What is cholesterol and what is it for?

Cholesterol is a substance called natural fat. Exceeding it in the body further contributes to the formation of plaques in the vessels. 75% of cholesterol is produced by the body, and everything else comes from food.

The action of this organic compound is not always dangerous, some of it is necessary for digestion, synthesis of vitamin D protein conversion, supplying cells with useful substances and the production of sex hormones.

The danger of raising cholesterol

With persistent excess of cholesterol in the blood, atherosclerosis eventually develops, which provokes heart and vascular diseases.

Some of the common effects of excess fatty alcohol are:

  1. Cholesterol deposits in the vessels gradually increase, which disrupts the blood flow, as a result of which they become clogged and reduce the supply of organs with oxygen and nutrients.
  2. Damage to arteries occurs, the function of which is to transport blood to the heart muscle, and this circumstance can lead to coronary artery disease.
  3. An excess of cholesterol can cause a decrease in the lumen of the coronary vessels, which will lead to acute coronary insufficiency.
  4. Clogging of the vessels of the brain contributes to headaches, memory loss and stroke.
  5. Decrease in working capacity and quality of life.

The danger of lowering cholesterol

A low blood cholesterol is no less dangerous than a high one:

  1. The risk of developing cancer pathologies is increasing.
  2. The elasticity of the vessels is lost, as a result of which hemorrhage or hemorrhagic stroke can occur.
  3. A person becomes depressed, becomes aggressive, Alzheimer's disease may develop.
  4. The intestinal mucosa begins to pass harmful substances into the body that cause intoxication.
  5. The production of vitamin D is reduced, as a result, the body does not absorb calcium.
  6. Fat is not digested, which entails weight gain.
  7. Reproductive function is impaired.
  8. Diabetes may be triggered.
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The difference between "good" cholesterol and "bad"

Bad cholesterol is a compound of cholesterol with low-density proteins. Passing from the liver to the tissues, it begins to quickly accumulate inside the vascular walls, while plaques form, and blood flow is disturbed.

The action of good cholesterol is the capture of "bad" cholesterol and its transfer to the liver, which is then converted into bile acid and excreted from the body.

Effective folk reduction methods

To lower cholesterol, you can use the following recipes.

ProductsHow to cookHow to use
Dandelion rootGrind into powder, previously dried root.Take a teaspoon of the product 1 time before eating.
CyanosisPour a glass of boiling water and boil a little 1 tablespoon of the plant, then let it brew for 30 minutes, filter.Drink a couple of hours before a night's rest.
PropolisInsist on propolis alcohol for a week or purchase at a pharmacy.Drink 4 times a day for half an hour before meals, 7 drops, before use, dilute 30 ml of clean water.
OatsA glass of cereal and 0.8 liters of water should be thoroughly washed and sieved.Drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day before meals.
Liquorice rootTwo glasses of boiling water should be brewed 2 tbsp. crushed product, continue boiling for 10 minutes, then cool and strain.Take 4 times a day for three weeks.

Herbal remedies are listed, from the use of which the result will be most effective.

Pharmacy preparations

The following drugs are most popular.

CholestyramineThis is a powder that is diluted to obtain a suspension.The level of fatty acids, cholesterol is reduced, the production of bile acid in the liver is stimulated.
CholestipolThe active substance is an anion exchange resin, which helps to bile bile acid and then transform into insoluble compounds in a liquid.Lowers cholesterol and preserves lipoproteins.
These are medications derived from fibroic acid.Provide a decrease in lipid fats, and also improve the condition of ischemia and angina pectoris.
GemfibrazilThis drug has an antisclerotic effect.Lowers triglycerides and low density fats. Evacuation of cholesterol from the body is accelerated.
Lipo MerzThis is a lipid-lowering agent.Reduces blood density by reducing the number of blood clots.
LovastatinIncrease the production of beneficial cholesterol.Vascular spasms are eliminated, blood pressure decreases.

The prescription of drugs is done by a doctor based on laboratory tests.

Special diet and nutrition

In order to prevent cholesterol increase, it is necessary to adhere to simple recommendations.

  • Eat often, but little by little, avoid overeating.
  • It is necessary to clearly calculate the calories, the number should be determined taking into account gender and age.
  • Constantly monitor body weight.
  • You can’t eat such semi-finished products as sausages, sausages, smoked meat and more.
  • It’s better not to buy cookies at all, as well as cakes and pastries, but to cook yourself according to home recipes.
  • The consumption of animal fats is reduced by about a third. Replace sunflower oil with olive or corn.
  • There are more salads of vegetables and fruits, pine nuts.
  • Exclude fatty pork, replace it with skinless chicken breast. A fish is better to eat fatty varieties.
  • There are cereals, they contain fiber.
  • You can not drink coffee, strong tea.
  • Eliminate completely strong alcohol and beer.

Nutritionists advise introducing fish, shrimp, lean meats, beans, peas, and low-fat cottage cheese into the diet. To saturate the body with carbohydrates you need to eat: cereals, rye bread, fruits and berries. Essential fats contain: fish, olive or sesame oil.

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Opinions and reviews of doctors about home cholesterol lowering

According to experts, lowering cholesterol at home gives a good result if you strictly follow a diet, take medications, lead an active lifestyle and follow other doctors' recommendations.

☞ Oleg T., therapist:

"If the patient adheres to all the rules, for starters, he eliminates harmful products from the diet, eats greens, cereals, and you don’t need to add hot sauces to them, to transplant or make them sweet, then the results will be observed in a week."

☞ Maria V., therapist:

“According to the results of observations of patients whose cholesterol level was above the norm, she prescribed medications and determined what kind of food is needed, then she periodically sent them for delivery of biomaterial for research and the results were pretty good. But it all depends on the person himself, that is, on his inner mood "


Cholesterol levels can increase in all people, it is important to prevent this, following a number of recommendations.

  • Adhere to a balanced diet.
  • More to be in the fresh air.
  • Do physical education.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • No smoking.
  • Get less upset.
  • Do not use drugs without a doctor's prescription.

To control cholesterol, it is recommended that you be tested periodically. If, based on the studies, it is established that there is an excess of the indicator, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment.

Watch the video: Nutritional Health : How to Lower LDL Cholesterol With Diet (October 2024).

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